Live ended for me so here's my response, as we know Andy Pandy will be sat drooling and scrolling
1. There are no pictures of your children's faces on here. Any photos that happen to have your children in them have faces blurred because - unlike yourselves - we respect their privacy.
2. You say we make up false lies regarding you. We do not. Everything we say is factual. Everything we say is based off of what you've said or posted yourself.
3. The penny has finally dropped that you need to keep your children off of social media and stop ruining their lives. Unfortunately it hasn't dropped enough as you're still talking about all this in front of them. Both Nathan and Jacob walked into the kitchen whilst you were speaking.
4. Your husband was the one that mentioned Nathan going into care, hence why it was spoken about on here.
5. We do not talk about your children in a negative way. We talk about your parenting in a negative way.
6. You're still a narcassistic, abusive, beg. Your husband is still an angry gnome with major small man syndrome. You both continue to fail your children.
7. I got alcohol poisoning from taking a shot every time you said "mmkay" and "so".
Edited to add one more...
8. We do not message you (unlike Mr Baseball bat) because we keep it on tattle as the rules of tattle state. You don't have to read here.