
She must be eating a ridiculous amount to be that size while active. I’m very active (run about 50 miles a week and have horses, pre covid used to do swimming and go to the gym) the amount I have to eat to keep my BMI around 20 is ALOT. She must be overeating by a large amount very frequently. She hasn’t changed at all in years.
im a huge believer in exercising for reasons other than weight loss but her posting her calorie counter meals, calorie burn etc implies that she still wants hers to be a weight loss account.
She’s been open about her binge eating disorder so that’s why she’ll be maintaining/gaining. Most people say ‘oh I’ve binged’ because they eat a few packets of crisps and chocolate bar whereas BED is a serious illness where someone will eat without control until they are sick. Literally eating anything they can get their hands on.
Years of yo yo dieting can damage metabolism too. An endless binge/restrict cycle for years can mess a lot up.

If youre someone who is quite muscular/sporty and always has been you'l find there metabolism will be pretty good.
Yep if someone has never had issues around food they will find it quite easy to stay at a ‘healthy’ weight. If you struggle at either ends of the spectrum then each day can be a struggle to find the balance.
OK, here it goes.

I also live with BED and I'm telling you, Calorie Counting is not a way to recover. Any dietician or psychologist worth their salt would say that to her.

Today she can't go out for a walk because of a storm so she's taking off her watch because she won't hit her steps. That's a HUGE red flag of an eating disorder behaviour. Control, control and because she can't control it she doesn't want to know about it

She's not in recovery. She's still deep in.
OK, here it goes.

I also live with BED and I'm telling you, Calorie Counting is not a way to recover. Any dietician or psychologist worth their salt would say that to her.

Today she can't go out for a walk because of a storm so she's taking off her watch because she won't hit her steps. That's a HUGE red flag of an eating disorder behaviour. Control, control and because she can't control it she doesn't want to know about it

She's not in recovery. She's still deep in.
There is literally step work outs on YouTube she could do. I sometimes do them when it’s absolutely pissing it down and I dont feel like getting soaked. There’s dancing ones as well. It’s a good, easy and quite fun way to get some steps in when you can’t go outside. Although, I do it because it makes me feel better. She is clearly doing all of this for other reasons to do with her ED.

It wouldn’t surprise me if after today she “fell of the wagon” again, these things tend to happen every few months with her. She’ll say she was in a bad place and she’s starting again etc etc. Clearly what she’s doing isn’t working so I don’t understand why you wouldn’t seek a professionals help at this point to aid you in the best way to recover?
There is literally step work outs on YouTube she could do. I sometimes do them when it’s absolutely pissing it down and I dont feel like getting soaked. There’s dancing ones as well. It’s a good, easy and quite fun way to get some steps in when you can’t go outside. Although, I do it because it makes me feel better. She is clearly doing all of this for other reasons to do with her ED.

It wouldn’t surprise me if after today she “fell of the wagon” again, these things tend to happen every few months with her. She’ll say she was in a bad place and she’s starting again etc etc. Clearly what she’s doing isn’t working so I don’t understand why you wouldn’t seek a professionals help at this point to aid you in the best way to recover?
She is seeing a professional, although I don’t know what advice is given to people with BED. I wouldn’t have thought that calorie counting or following any diet would be recommended although I suppose it’s catch 22, if you are classed as obese then you will be required to lose weight (depending on other health markers).
She is seeing a professional, although I don’t know what advice is given to people with BED. I wouldn’t have thought that calorie counting or following any diet would be recommended although I suppose it’s catch 22, if you are classed as obese then you will be required to lose weight (depending on other health markers).
I attend a clinic and they have told me yo STOP all dieting, calorie counting, fitbit tracking, everything. I need to work on myself psychologically and allow my body to do its thing. She should be seeing a dietician would would educate her about food groups, regular eating etc.
I attend a clinic and they have told me yo STOP all dieting, calorie counting, fitbit tracking, everything. I need to work on myself psychologically and allow my body to do its thing. She should be seeing a dietician would would educate her about food groups, regular eating etc.
Ah thank you and good luck with your journey! I’ve been at both ends of the spectrum and once I stopped dieting I found more mental peace. However, I did gain a ton of weight by allowing myself to eat everything that was once banned. I’m trying to find the balance!
OK, here it goes.

I also live with BED and I'm telling you, Calorie Counting is not a way to recover. Any dietician or psychologist worth their salt would say that to her.

Today she can't go out for a walk because of a storm so she's taking off her watch because she won't hit her steps. That's a HUGE red flag of an eating disorder behaviour. Control, control and because she can't control it she doesn't want to know about it

She's not in recovery. She's still deep in.

I’m sure when she started seeing someone for it they told her to stop all dieting. I remember her doing long written stories about it and she was just supposed to concentrate on finding a healthy balance of food / exercise with no tracking.
I’m sure when she started seeing someone for it they told her to stop all dieting. I remember her doing long written stories about it and she was just supposed to concentrate on finding a healthy balance of food / exercise with no tracking.
Yep 100% and now she's gone back to CC because it's how she can control it. You don't get to 20+ stone without having severe trauma you need to work through.

I feel like she's just not very honest at the moment and it's sad because she's obviously struggling but not letting on. You don't maintain weight by being in a calorie deficient for weeks with a calorie burn of 5000kcals per day. Something is off.
I’m sure when she started seeing someone for it they told her to stop all dieting. I remember her doing long written stories about it and she was just supposed to concentrate on finding a healthy balance of food / exercise with no tracking.

100% she posted this. No more tracking etc. She's still in deep and you watch, binge city is two minutes away because she's not doing as advised. This is why she has a page here. Pure hypocrisy left and right. Hates diets, yet diets. Doesn't believe in mental health, unless it's hers. Stay home - the virus is deadly, until she's has enough then it against human rights. Social distance, but not with her friends. Doxes people online and tells her followers to do things, then screams troll when she comes on here. Hates men, unless it's her newest one.

She can't hold an opinion, a man or a diet. I'm bored of her constant cycle.
I don’t normally stick up for her, however we are recommended to get between 10 & 15 thousand steps a day to be healthy so that is actually just a normal day that we all should be aiming for.
Agree she’s definitely not “in recovery” though
I don’t normally stick up for her, however we are recommended to get between 10 & 15 thousand steps a day to be healthy so that is actually just a normal day that we all should be aiming for.
Agree she’s definitely not “in recovery” though

The point is - she's supposed to be in recovery so she shouldn't be monitoring steps at all. She's a hypocritical person and that's why it's annoying when she throws her steps up. She shouldn't be measuring steps or exercise or food. We should be unfollowing this fake 🤣🤣
If she’s getting treatment she’s definitely lying to them and concealing the fact she’s CC and tracking her steps etc. I always know I’m getting into a bad place when I start focusing on css as lorries or steps/calorie burn.
She’s be better off deactivating her account & focusing on sorting herself out for the sake of her mental health and setting a good example for her kids. They pick up so much and EDs can run in families because children pick up what their parents do from such a young age.
She's on there about her BED and how she has guilt for over eating at the weekend etc etc. She's not following a recovery programme if she's "restarting" every Monday. It's feeding into the good and bad food mindset which gets people like us nowhere. I wish she would just listen to her healthcare team and get off Instagram.
It really bleeping winds me up how closely she takes videos of her food, with the flash on. It makes it look like a plate of tit, hun.
The way she pans over the plate as if she is some foodie really fucks me off! It’s basic food hun, not very well presented!
And she goes on about ugh have to cook for the family because they think my food is so amazing, again basic food that I’m sure you’re more impressed by then they are!
She doesn’t half feed her kids some tit. Why does she cook herself ‘healthy’ meals and then give them
McDonald’s/Nutella pancakes/junk food
I always wonder this!!! Made herself home made burgers the other day and the kids were stuck with Birdseye. It’s baffling. Almost as though she wants them to become overweight.

What I don’t understand is her blatant barefaced lying. Her stories from last night say she’s lost 3 stone in 3 months. What absolute bullshit, where on her body has three stone come off? I smell a fibber