
I really used to like Carby and her 'outing' of the beige brigade but this level of hypocrisy is too much. She really annoys me with her flaky self. One minute she's a health goddess, the next she is piling on 20lbs in four weeks (she does at least twice a year). Then shes some health saviour who wants everyone to stay home, next minute the government are trashing her mental health and ruining lives because shes decided shes had enough. She probably thinks she is wonderful for saving small businesses because she had her hair done now :rolleyes: Put your damn tits away hun. She's another one whos kids will undoubtedly get picked on at secondary school when they go because their mum is always putting her tits on display online and licking glasses like she cheap pornstar.
I used to really like her too but the way she went on at the start of this about following the rules and being a dick for not doing it to now basically doing what the duck she wants!! I live very close to that beach she posted on her stories the other day and I can assure you it is nowhere near where she lives, even taking into consideration the 20km rule!! Also In ireland you are not supposed to be going into other peoples houses never mind staying over, she has stayed in her sister and her friends house in the last week 🤦🏽‍♀️
Also hate the way she thinks she is such a foodie and does those slow videos over her rank looking food and going on about how her family have requested this that and the other because she is such a master chef!!
Do you think she EVER looks in the mirror and thinks “I’ve maybe done a bit too much brow today”
Or maybe that’s a bit too much boob for that photo!! She’s such a hypocrite, at the start of lockdown she was calling people selfish c*nts & all kinds, now because it suits her, she’s changed her views on it. The worst type of person !! 🙄
I unfollowed her cause I could not take her anymore! Someone show me what she's saying please I have unfollowers regret 🙈
I’m on the brink of unfollowing her too, it takes a lot to annoy me to that point, but then i’ll probably still read here and won’t be able to see what she has done now so I keep talking myself out of hitting the unfollow button as I know I will regret it 🙈😂
Used to follow her and always wondered how she wasn't losing weight when she was supposedly burning 5000 calories in the gym everyday and only eating 1800-2000. You would be a rake in no time if that was actually the case.
Yes same. I have also unfollowed as I guess if she’s really burning 5000 calories and walking 50 thousand steps she must be eating literally Everything all day. It doesn’t add up. Anyway I’m off her account thankfully.

What does this even mean??
She only mentioned Black Americans. Is she not aware that we are facing the rise in racism in our own country? And that Black people are treated unfairly by the police every day in the UK. Allyship (is that even a real word?) only works in you are an ally to all.
I don’t want to be a pedant because I agree with your point that you have to also look closer to home when you criticize the US but she’s Irish not British. Just feel like this sort of thing would annoy me if I were Irish.
Yes same. I have also unfollowed as I guess if she’s really burning 5000 calories and walking 50 thousand steps she must be eating literally Everything all day. It doesn’t add up. Anyway I’m off her account thankfully.
She has a Fitbit, they are massively inaccurate. If you base you cals off them you will not be eating in a deficit! Mine had me burning 5000 cals a day, yeah I don’t think so!!!