Buying London - Netflix

Yea its very business like and almost like they don't have a friendship or anything in common

Their diner at home look way too formal : the setup of the table with chandeliers I believe , the way they are all dressed up , the businessy tone of the conversation … the opposite a normal couple that comes home at night to wind down
No hes half Asian. I thought maybe he'd bad a face-lift but if you look back at his old photos before he went grey his face makes more sense. He's posted a pic of him and Rachel Stebens as kids on his Instagram too.
Did he get some work done, especially on his eyes? I could tell he had Asian in him in his younger photos and he was also much more handsome don’t know what happened now
I think Lauren is being completely disingenuous when she’s talking about how bad the atmosphere is in the office. She helped to create it when she told Rasa she was given the listing because Daniel trusts her.

Then to tell him she wants to leave and all the bs about not knowing what you’ve got until it’s gone. Purlease 🙄 she just wants Daniel to read the rest of the office the riot act so she can got back to lording it over them all again.
They’re all still working at DDRE cause I looked it up. 😂
I didn’t like rasa at all, she was beyond petty, unprofessional and just rude and loud. Lauren had her moments but I think even if she didn’t say she got this listing rasa would have still taken issue.
Slowly making my way through. On episode 4.

Oli sounds like a douche, inappropriate advise to Rasa, texting Juliana after his wife who called their behaviour inappropriate. Rene at that table had the only sound advice and then him calling her out being too young to provide marriage advice.


Daniel was so inappropriate at that event to talk to both Rasa and lauren about what happened at the showing, yes address it but do it at work in an office not at a work event with alcohol being consumed.