Couldn't do the vlog. Come pack with me #snore
And they must be coming home today?
I'll save everyone else the bother too and summarise for you all...
She is shocked Ste wants to take shorts.
She has chosen and packed all LittleE's clothes for him. Including Avengers socks and an Asda pumpkin hoody (lucky lad)!
She has laid out all big E's clothes on her bed, so she can choose what she wants to take. - You know now she's almost 14 and gets some say in her outfits at last.
She shows us the family soap bag and the dilemma over which hair gel to remove for LittleE.
Then onto her favourite topic - talking about SNACKS!!! Sorry - she was actually promoting this as "Money Saving Tips"
They sort themselves out for one meal a day, then have a big snack, and then a big meal. And she takes plenty of other snacks to have during the day, and has her own ziplock bags full of snack bars, halloween cake bars and jelly bats. A bag per day for each of them.
Plus she has a giant bag full of rice krispie squares and breakfast bars.
She advises everyone to take a mini squash, to make the water taste nice.
Then onto the main event - a nice view of her unpacking everything she has packed to show us her underwear, and the random assortment of clothes. Plus of course a belt! Then she mentions her pants at least three times.
She has 4 lots of those Minnie ears, plus Erin has a few more pairs. They're huge so must take up most of the minimal case space they had due to her inability to understand simple guidelines.
She has taken bunting for Ste's birthday. And a plastic bag as they are planning to go swimming. Great tip from Babs to take a plastic bag so your wet togs don't make everything else in the case damp! Wow, I'd never have thought of that without her.
Then she waffles on about an extra night in London so she can go to the Hayu event. Then informs us that she and Ste aren't taking pjs, which almost made me vom, but then she said she'd wear her Bravo tshirt. After she'd worn it to that event, she was planning on sleeping in it for 4 nights.
She has a dilemma about which cases to use - even though she has already put everything into cases.
Checks off her list and instantly forgets the lie she just told about the pyjamas and panics as they are still in the wash.
Unfortunately for us all she remembered to pack the batteries and plugs. A fascinating two minutes where you can't see anything but she is sorting through the plug adapters saying "American, French, American, French"... this is the content of someone with a decade of experience!
She is taking two of those plastic ponchos with her in case it rains. I guess one for her and one for the golden child, and the boys can just get wet.
Potentially embarrasses the kids again by showing their autograph books of character signatures. They didn't get any at Disneyland - because the characters just walk around. Not that they're too big and don't want the autograph of some unemployed student in a costume.
Then they have their lanyards full of all the pins they hate that they want to swap. She then shows us a pin in great detail - and says she will tell LittleE not to swap the one she's showing us as it's a limited release and she bought it for him. They also have to have special pins that she buys for them that they have to keep. Babs the Controller at her finest!
She has a dilemma about taking her hideous pumpkin Mickey bag - which looks like something a toddler would like. She doesn't want to use it on the tube for some reason that she doesn't elaborate on.
And there you all go. Have 30 minutes of life to enjoy however you want, without having to listen to Babs click her tongue every thirty seconds, and forget what the names of things are, and her inability to read anything without holding it a good metre away from her eyes.
Oh, and she's planning Christmas for her return. God help us all.