It's disgusting for boundary, & yes, hygiene reasons. That's how I took what Lady Doodle meant. Erin has zero privacy, Babs is the type of mother who would snoop and read Erin's journal, & Babs is a dirty bint who doesn't wash her bedlinens for months - yes, MONTHS. I doubt very much that you're that slovenly. You said you're clean, & Babs isn't. She wears the same pyjamas for weeks, sweating in her pit and it's been noted that her Christmas bedlinens were still in situ the following Easter. That is hideously gross.
100% guaranteed that she won't have actually ASKED Erin if Steve can sleep in her bed. it's not just the fact he's slept in her bed - although grim if babs doesn't change the bedding, not because it's her dad but just ick in general in terms of someone else sleeping on my pillow - but the blatant invasion of her privacy. it's like when she films in the kids' bedrooms while they are at school, shows the contents of their drawers and what they have on their walls etc, and that time she filmed herself doing her own rendition of the WAP dance in her 11/12 year old daughter's bedroom was beyond inappropriate.
at that age, I would have hated the idea of going to a sleepover and knowing family members may be going in my room - except for some innocent purpose like putting a pile of clean clothes on my bed - but babs has likely been in there stealing body spray and shoes etc, rotting through Erin's stuff because she hates that she isn't Ez's "bestie" and would have aPsolutely zero qualms about reading her daughter's diary of she found one! tbh, it wouldn't even surprise me if she took photos to share in her stories.
tbf though, if she DID find a diary, she would likely be in for a shock - expecting to read up on all the teen gossip so she can drop it into the conversation next time she organises a "play date" trip and shuffles around after Erin and her mates as they go shopping and go to Starbs while she eavesdrops from the next table
- as it would undoubtedly be filled with some real home truths about babs and how much she hates how her mother humiliates her, how she is NOT a "great mum" and also details of her not-so-innocent life when she is away from babs - all teen crushes and her usage of IG and social media and general teenage "I HATE MY MUM" rebellion with plans to leave home as soon as she is able to. there would be a HUGE mummy meltdown!
honestly though knowing babs' babanory stories, we know that Steve never shares a bed with babs, despite her desperation to pretend otherwise - it could just be that she fabricated a snoring story for content - a topic to rehash that she hasn't mentioned recently, what happened to steve's emergency referral for a sleep study babs?!
- and used Erin being at a sleepover as a way to explain that he slept in a different room, instead of mentioning his bed up in top top.