i really want to think that babs was trolling us with that "i need to eat MORE salt!" revelation, and that misinterpreting "watch your salt intake" as "increase your salt intake" was an intentional error used as an engagement tactic, as she knew that all her peri-babettes would rush to send DMs to correct their KWEEN - but it honestly wouldn't surprise me if she thought downing salt was the solution, especially as well all know that even clumsiness won't lure ehr into increasing her water intake. the sheer amount of salt she already had in her diet, the idea of her intentionally consuming MORE is scary to think about in terms of the potential health consequences, with babs shovelling multipacks of crisps down her gullet, believing they will "cure" her peri-menopausal symptoms.
the sheer amount of salt she gets through on a daily basis - which i dount she is even aware of because unless, like crisps the food actually tastes of salt, she won't be aware of the high salt % in most of the food she eats. tbh, her body must be SO perpetually dehydrated, I don't know how she fights the instinctive urge to drink water by the pint - i guess she just reaches for the cocks in cans or caffeine-free cock when she feels thirsty, but if she made an effort to cut down on her salt intake and increase the amount of water she drinks, she'd likely be SHOOKETH to note that her body in general would be less perpetually swollen.
and sure, she's played it off as a hilarious joke, but even with a totally unrelated masters qualification, i don't understand how ANYONE could have such an inept knowledge of nutrition that they could be THAT stupid. i would have deleted the stories immediately, because it's
bleeping embarrassing - although I'm sure she'll be blaming her misinterpreting the information on feeling all foggy-headed because PeRi-MeNoPaUsE. she talks so regularly about the future and the Es having grandkids etc - the way her health is deteriorating, she won't live to see the ED graduate secondary school.