VIP Member
The thing with these Insta-wankers is that if the charities blow smoke up their arse and make a fuss of them then they feel seen and keep donating/fundraising. It they don't then the charities know that the donations will dwindle or they'll quickly move onto another cause. They're playing the long game, tapping into the narcissists sense of self importance.
But tbh £10k over the length time Babs has been fundraising is nothing at all really. My kids school raised £10k at their Christmas fair.
You are APsolutely correct about Instawankers feeling "seen" when it comes to charity. I have close connections to a charity run by retired sportsmen that fundraise for housing projects for homeless people (shared accommodations so they have an address and have shelter, an address to access benefits, with the goal being finding a job and getting their own home so the process can start again for another person in need). The donations that come in are often from extremely wealthy and/or famous people (real famous people Babs, not an Instawanker with a huge honker and fat ugly earlobes who dicks around on the internet who thinks they're famous) and not a single one of them crows about it on their socials, wanting to remain anonymous and CERTAINLY not expecting or getting giddy over a cookie.
Real, heartfelt charity is a selfless act. Nothing should be expected in return, not showing off about it is selfless.