Dear Brogan
Do yourself a favour and get offline and duck off
Her days are finished makes me laugh looking at the girl won cosmo awards in 2015
Dear Brogan
Do yourself a favour and get offline and duck off
I can’t message you but I really want to follow!! Please can you send me the info somehow pretty please?
bAd ViBez rEpPeLlAnT......
bAd ViBez rEpPeLlAnT......
Her days are finished makes me laugh looking at the girl won cosmo awards in 2015
Thing is, back in those days (when I started watching and many others ‘enjoyed’ her content) she worked ‘hard’ (‘hard’ in speech marks as we all know Bogie isn’t well known to keep a job etc!) She worked a full time job, did YouTube on the side, went to lots of events, met up with other people, edited her videos, upload twice a week (I think), showed the ups and downs of her life. THAT’S WHY SHE GAINED FOLLOWERS. Yes people still moaned on GG and then Tattle about her but overall we all loved those meltdown in the car moments etc and tuned in weekly to watch. Now... I can’t stand to even see her face on insta let alone watch a video - albeit it’s a guessing game now when a video will magically appear
I think she worked ‘harder’ last year while dossing at Kevin’s... It all changed when she bought the house - she’s got the mortgage now so doesn’t need to put in any effort to prove to the mortgage advisor she’s capable of paying it off/saving for deposit.
I mean, buying the house and renovating it could have been an absolute gold mine of content if she hadn’t of been so shoddy about it. She could have discussed techniques being used, has Benji do ‘electrical advise’, shopped with me in hardware stores, showed proper footage (not just of her hoovering on her knees or Julie stripping wallpaper) done up the garden blah blah blah - she made the home account to beg for freebies and how many did she get?! NONE - well she got that bloody awful projector (News for you Braggy, we had a projector and an actual ‘cinema room‘ in the basement of our old house 7 years ago. It was awful. We ripped it out, worked hard, moved to a nicer house and got a bloody amazing TV instead)
She also saw Benji coming. He’s a decent guy who works hard and allows her to be a slob. He does EVERYTHING for her and panders to her stupid lazy behaviour. On the one hand I feel sorry for him (that she’s leeched onto him) but on the other he enrages me too as he should be telling her to get off her arse and DO SOMETHING.