Only Little Miss White Privilege could turn a half-arsed BLM conversation into self promotion, talking about how many views her Instagram stories get.
"There's just a lot that I could talk about here, but I don't want to use up this space and your time when there are so many other voices and black people who are talking about this subject a lot more eloquently than I ever will. I will never be able to walk in anyone's shoes or ever do it justice so I'm not gonna stand here and pretend I have the right words because I obviously don't. But I do understand and recognise that talking about it is better than not talking about it, and I want to use my platform for good. And I've already been doing a lot over on Instagram, you can go and check out my Black Lives Matter Instagram story highlight, I find that's the best one because I can do a swipe up, and I have about 15,000 people who look at my stories so it's actually getting a really good impact, I think. I have been retweeting some stuff on twitter as well, but I do find Instagram a better platform for me personally. So if you want to go and check that out, that's on my Instagram. I'll leave some resources below for you as well, I think that's everything I wanted to talk about, I hope you are all doing well and I will be back very soon, got some stuff to talk to you about, so won't be very long. I'll be back very soon. Thanks for watching. Bye."
In summary...
"There's just a lot that I could talk about here" BUT I WONT
"I do understand and recognise that talking about it is better than not talking about it" BUT I WON'T, I'LL JUST SHARE THINGS OTHERS HAVE WRITTEN ON INSTAGRAM, MY STORIES GET 15,000 VIEWS BTW GUYYZZZZ, GO FOLLOW ME