That’s weird - for a moment I thought I’d be blocked - just refreshed and can see nowShe has posted on Instagram recently. Her home account hasn’t been posted on since May 6th though.
Just watched Victoria in Detail’s new AC video and whilst she was doing an island tour she was like ‘oh my friend Brogan has just come online’ so that’s cemented what she’s been doing for the last week
Her coach person clearly is not helping her unless she already fired her for constructive criticism lol
I just think she needs to work on a plan of decent content and consistency
Victoria didn’t used to be too bad until she made friends with Brogan and then got introduced to the Disney gang.Why are they jumping onto the Animal Crossing bandwagon?
I wouldn’t mind but the game came out in March and neither of them are ‘gamers’! It’s just so fake and I can’t believe Victoria has started a whole new channel for it?! How many channels does she need?!?! Dunno whose worse, her or Bogey?!?!
I’m noticing about a lot of influencers is that they don’t really deserve to have that position if all they do is mimic stuff that everyone is already doing anyway. Back in the day “influencers” were cool, original people, leading interesting lives and had an interest in something new they could make content about or introduce us to a concept or brand. Nowadays it seems any old nobody can become an influencer and it’s an endless cycle of them all copying the top 5 trends from popular culture at the time or making their instagram look like a Pinterest board. There’s multiple tiers of influencers and these days everyone just copies the people in the top bracket. It’s so dull and it annoys me that people can literally earn their living by regurgitating content that somebody else has done. THe financial success of YouTube or Instagram allowing it to pay creators has diluted the quality of content so it makes me chuckle when people call themselves artists or creators when they haven’t done anything.Victoria didn’t used to be too bad until she made friends with Brogan and then got introduced to the Disney gang.
I think they’ve both jumped in the animal crossing bandwagon because they can’t travel. A lot of brogans content is from travel as well as Disney and obviously Victoria is all about Disney vlogs, so I think they’re just clutching a straws to be honest because a lot of people are playing it.
I know exactly who you mean. Ive felt sorry for her in the past and how she's sometimes ignored by Brogan. Brogan knows of her and must know she has autism and struggles with things. I've reached out to her a few times in the past and she is a lovely girl!Brogan is finished.
I’ve started to notice the effects that ‘influencers’ have on vulnerable people. There is one account on Instagram belonging to someone who is clearly vulnerable and quite openly describe themselves as one of Brogan’s biggest fans. Whatever Brogan advertises, plugs or even mentions in any of her videos, this women will buy it to support her. It’s concerning how much vulnerable people are taken advantage of by ‘influencers’.
She also has a small YouTube account and vlogged the Bournemouth beach meet up from a few years back. Brogan is incredibly patronising to her and it’s quite difficult to watch at times.
This account has now posted that she’s had a ‘rubbish week’ and has felt ‘stressed and overwhelmed’ as Brogan hasn’t uploaded a video in over a week and she doesn’t know why.
We all know that no negativity is allowed in Brogan’s bubble and she loves to make full use of the block button but if her biggest fans are now questioning what is going on. What effect is it going to have on them if they are blocked.
In other news - this thread is going to dry up quick with brogan doing literally nothing!
I think she's been reading these threads for years. Even back in the guru gossip daysI think the reason Brogan is keeping quite is because of these threads. It was probably brought to her attention with all the drama last month with Becca. So I reckon she probably reads it regularly now as she suddenly starts to join in the social media trends of rehashing the same hashtags whenever anyone mentions that she’s ignoring it etc. Who knows
I hope this poor girl that people are referring to manages to find some actual friends rather than chasing after Brogan