VIP Member
Looks like it!! And I think it was more than £1000 a night. When I looked for this weekend it gave over 3500 euros but that still equates to over 1000 pounds.Sorry have I got this right....they paid £1000 a night for a hotel room and it didn't include breakfast?
What baffles me is this spend it all now, never think about tomorrow. Does she think this is going to be her reality in say 5 or 10 years?
I wasn't brought up with parents who gave us everything but we knew the value of things and how hard our dad worked so they could retire comfortably.
Mr Giggles and I both run our own small businesses and we're at a stage where we own our property and cars. We still go away a couple of times a year but money doesn't fall into our laps without hard work. And we certainly don't spend thousands of pounds a night on hotel rooms or hundreds on breakfast!!