It's quiet at work so I've had a quick calculation of how much this trip has cost them and so far I'm at £50,000 which includes the cruise, flights, wedding package on the rust bucket, tickets to Universal Singapore, hotel in NZ and the stay and two days in HK Disney. I've not watched the vlogs so have no idea how few/many stops they had but say they spend £500.00 each stop on food (a fortune), plastic tat (another fortune) and taxis, plus drinks onboard the ship, the P&O excursions (not possible to get a price for them unless you're booking one) and I reckon we could be close to £70,000. All that money spent just cos they don't want to pay for other people to be at their wedding? I cannot cannot cannot comprehend willingly handing over that much money JUST to avoid giving family a nice day and also to brag to strangers on the internet. And are they happy? Nope, they're enormous, sunburned and miserable lol!