VIP Member
I’ve done 7 days straight, as we went from Southampton to New York with Cunard, there was food aplenty and even though the ship was not as big as some of the newer ones ( we were on the Queen Mary II) there was plenty for us to do.I know nothing about cruises, can anyone enlighten me?
10 days at sea seems like an awful long time. My anxiety and claustrophobia would not allow that. What happens with food? Can the ship hold enough food and drink for that many people for 10 full days without stops? What if god forbid you fall ill needing more assistance than the Dr on board can provide? What if there's an emergency at home and you need to get back asap?
I know you can't live your life worrying about "what ifs" but I'm not sure my nerves could take being "trapped" at sea for 10 full days without the ability to disembarking after a day or two.
I'd be wretched with guilt and sheer panic in case anything were to happen to my elderly dog (grandmother/family members) with it no longer being "reasonably accessible" to travel home in emergency if need be. I'd spend those 10 days a right anxious mess!