VIP Member
She was probably so deluded and thought the wedding was going to be the centre of everyone's universe and now Zoe (a YouTuber who is actually also classes as a celebrity) is engaged she is probably FUMING. Also we all know whatever Zoe decides to do even if it's a low key do will be miles classier and nicer than Brogan...Brogan knows this and will be so annoyed.
I think now others are getting engaged and married she will really be forced to see what everyone is doing and will get incredibly jealous. Something about their wedding plans will change, even if it's she's now decided to have a hen do or make this stupid party they are having more about the wedding than her 30th so it feels like they are having some sort of wedding (then again she's so selfish would she really give up the opportunity for attention, especially for her 30th birthday).
Anyone else waiting for the inevitable "I've bought a new dress video"
Will probably make some kind of excuse saying she didn't feel like her in her dress and that it was a rushed purchase and she now wanted something benji hasn't seen
When in reality the dress is probably not zipping up