I think she does have something special but it's being drowned out by her insecurity and greed unfortunately and this, like a snowball effect is making her life more and more empty and shallow. I speak from self recognition in the fashion industry and now social work. I worked in it for decades and even though I retained much of my identity I was perpetually unhappy with the pressure to keep up. I have friends who didn't feel the pressure so intensely, and I buried it a lot, but now that I'm out if it I see how ridiculous it all is and how entrenched you become in never feeling adequate or having just the right thing. And that industry promotes that feeling by design. It's how it survives. There's a big difference between art and design and Brittany, in my mind isn't an artist, a designer or much of a content creator (yet at least) except in the sense of being able to regurgitate what's given. Artists living around me in Brooklyn actually helped me see the frailty within design. Their personal sense of style was more consistent and original and less flitting from thing to thing. And all the fashion girls attending the shows were like dog's dinner gilded lillies in comparison. All their petals (including mine) could be blown off with a single sneeze. LOL. And the influencers are generally (and there are exceptions) the worst of the lot. In design, at least you've gone to school or taught yourself how to sew, the names/ composition of textiles and stitches and how to create a three dimensional object that has to move on a two dimensional piece of paper. People underestimate true fashion design. I know she went to school. I'm sure she does have some foundational knowledge but it rarely makes an appearance. Influencers (bloggers of the past) think that they are the same thing, actually better than designers, they get to tell design what's really up and yet they have little bedrock grounding. I'm tired, as a designer, of hearing many (not all!) of them say, I don't know the name for this, or this print (when it's knit or an ikat) or "I'm sure I'm saying this wrong". Look it up! Now we have the internet which you use and exploit. We have things that pronounce the words for you for heaven's sakes. Put some effort into making a connection with the things you wear and espouse as so important. You don't need to be an expert, but just try to relate to what you are saying a little more. That is sustainable, in the sense of providing meaning (not environmentally), and will achieve more depth. So, while I relate I don't think I look back on my past with as much distain as I reckon some of these vloggers may if they have any hint of self awareness. And believe me, I have plenty of regret for devoting so much of my life to the fashion industry. Not to fashion, I love fashion, but the industry is very different to the purity of making things that can represent identity to the world. That is beautiful. People confuse the two. It's strange to me to go to art installations and see the world around you and be able to film and curate it in an appealing way and yet be utterly clueless as to the shallow waters in which you are swimming. I feel though she is not oblivious to this subconsciously, it seeps around the edges and is the root cause of much anxiety but at present she pushes it away by expending energy on the accumulation of more as distraction. It's a common predicament, she's not alone. And Dean is a part of the matched set. He seems slightly less consumed but vicariously enjoys some sort of prestige she brings him perhaps? He likely feels a little adrift. His artwork is slightly stagnant and has reached a plateau and building probably not what he imagined for his life in school. If he is able to fully remove himself of BB, for a while, and develop more separately I really think the two of them could make headway to becoming more themselves but that will require a strength that is not easy to face, especially now in this screwy time so I do empathize a little despite their youth and, yes, undeniable (and largely unacknowledged by them) privilege. There I go with my armchair analysis. I enjoy contemplating it I suppose. It helps me make sense of how everything comes together and where we are headed - not all of it bad. Sorry for the length. I'm old school and can't soundbite myself. LOL. I'm the slumber party kid that won't shut up. Everyone has their head under the covers sleeping and then, up pops me to start talking again....! Hahahahaha! Pipe down and go to bed will ya!
P.S. if you want a giggle look up this older video she did for Barbour. I'm very sure this must be a big embarrassment for her and yet, it's something she cannot take down or edit! The sweatshirt is so naff and their script cringeworthy.
Sadly, the Barbour video is probably one of the most honest things she's done though. Okay, I'm really going to shut it now I promise.