Brittany Bathgate #2 Buying things to fill the gaping hole in her personality

hi all! long time lurker, first time poster. this comment is so spot on but ms verbose-and-insipid is obviously "irked" at it. and she knows she can monetise her videos but just chooses not to. Patreon is another brick in her "im not like other influencers" wall. 🙃
That reply she gave irked me. Saying it wouldn’t pay for her clothing but instead her “creative process”… which typically only includes expensive clothing and items/furniture… so… yes it would be paying for her clothing. I can’t exactly imagine what her content would be like if she didn’t have the clothing and items she does have. Perhaps I am mistaken?
Really enjoyed the IG reel she did for the Wales trip. I think that that format would work well for week in outfits etc and cancel out the opportunity for her to ramble/justify/attack/moan or speak at all. Alexis Foreman has moved over to IG TV from YouTube for her beauty bits and I think that's really working for her (I also think she seems a lovely soul as well though, which helps). The Patreon thing... What else could we expect from someone who started a Crowdfunder asking for her followers to replace her boyfriends stolen tools?! She comes over so sour
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That reply she gave irked me. Saying it wouldn’t pay for her clothing but instead her “creative process”… which typically only includes expensive clothing and items/furniture… so… yes it would be paying for her clothing. I can’t exactly imagine what her content would be like if she didn’t have the clothing and items she does have. Perhaps I am mistaken?

Yes, creative process :rolleyes: She's actually not very creative at all. She does put things together quite nicely but it's within a very narrow scope. It's not like she's styling from racks and racks of garments mixing print or playing with shapes. She can do nice things with her videos (particularly the travel ones) but turns out those techniques are often cribbed from other, more obscure, influencers as discussed before.

Almost everything she wears or the furniture is pricey and "it" items among a scandi-minimalist contingent - which is pleasant - but hardly original. I've seen that style of sofa everywhere and the Flintstones table was bought by someone she follows first. Do we remember her with clay? Dean helped her a bit. Not knocking her for trying but it's clear she doesn't know what to do when presented with nothing to copy. Yes, she's a shopper and money in hand will go to this and maybe cameras and the like to film 'all the things' she personally covets.
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Her recent IG posts remind me of florence.cools - creative director of maisonlacollection (whose dress Brittany wore in one of her latest uploads). Maybe that's who she's channeling now


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Yes, creative process :rolleyes: She's actually not very creative at all. She does put things together quite nicely but it's within a very narrow scope. It's not like she's styling from racks and racks of garments mixing print or playing with shapes. She can do nice things with her videos (particularly the travel ones) but turns out those techniques are often cribbed from other, more obscure, influencers as discussed before.

Almost everything she wears or the furniture is pricey and "it" items among a scandi-minimalist contingent - which is pleasant - but hardly original. I've seen that style of sofa everywhere and the Flintstones table was bought by someone she follows first. Do we remember her with clay? Dean helped her a bit. Not knocking her for trying but it's clear she doesn't know what to do when presented with nothing to copy. Yes, she's a shopper and money in hand will go to this and maybe cameras and the like to film 'all the things' she personally covets.

I agree with you @brerwhabbit!

This is going to sound harsh but I've always felt that pure creativity (and art) is born out of some sort of struggle (and im not alone in saying that re James Baldwin and other great writers!!). Having privilege (in the world at large and in one's industry) only hampers the process: one tends to not try hard, do things differently or not be accountable to their immediate community. I'm not saying that the myth of the tortured artist is true, but when you tend to have certain privileges it is easier to get ahead. Integrity tends to get lost in the process, and the drive to create something unique is gone because you are already benefitting from so much. As brerwhabbit says her nice things in videos, the techniques are cribbed from other obscure influencers.

I have written too much since today morning, so I will apologise and be silent and observe!
So much food for thought here, really enjoying reading all your points. And points have indeed been MADE. Just saw she replied again to the guy on youtube about the paying for her clothes comment.
I really don't understand why she thinks a patreon would stop criticism? Like someone already mentioned, it almost becomes more weighted when someone who pays for you to make content has something to say, that Brittany would see as negative. Could she actually handle that better? I doubt it. And the idea that if someone pays they suddenly don't have anything to critique? I don't buy it!!!

"cruel" that's a bit rich. Cruel would be to say that she doesn't deserve a platform or deserve her successes (im not convinced so maybe i am cruel idk). The commenter had a valuable point to make, esp if they are considering supporting her. it's not wrong to know where your money is going towards if you are supporting something. but if i was in her place, id be more transparent about the things im going to do. everything with BB boils down to one thing: integrity. which she has none of. "the current influence model...makes me feel icky sometimes" ?????? isn't that how she is sustaining?

i really want to pick apart her points line by line, word by word but she's quite infuriating with her defence. in essence she's saying "i'll do as i please no one has the right to question me."
if it's a hobby then she doesn't need to make money from it or even do it regularly. she can continue to post once a month or every week, if she has time or the inclination to film her life and then edit it. that way she can include what she wants and only film whenever she feels like it or has time to. a hobby is something you enjoy doing no? if she doesn't enjoy it, no one is making her vlog. but if she has a patreon she will have to post regularly otherwise people are going to be pissed off. BB is lying about it being a hobby because she's intentionally trying to find a way to make money from it by asking her viewers to pay. it makes no sense to me to do this. if she's worried about criticism, doesn't have time to film, thinks of vlogging as a hobby, and has boundaries (apparently) with what she wants to share - why on earth is she going to start a patreon to turn her hobby into a money maker? viewers are definitely going to be more demanding when they pay. they'll want it to be more personal and much more frequent than every month.

BB isn't very talented. she can make things look nice but it's all superficial. there is no creativity. it's just like tracing.
Hello all, this is my first post ever so hopefully I am doing it right.

This latest video was too much. In the video she said youtube is "something I do because I enjoy doing it" but yet she doesn't want to do it if she's not getting paid? Girl hasn't worked a hard day in her life (something which is made super clear in her work chat video). I get so annoyed when these influencers say they had "such a busy day" and then go on to say they had 3 calls! At 30 minutes each! A whole hour and a half of work! God bless.

Based on her depop, I do think she does a lot of content creation that she is not obligated to post. However, (if I'm right), it's super crappy that she then goes on to sell the gifted products. Also, did anyone else notice––she sold the red sweaters.

I also couldn't help but notice that these girls (BB, Lizzy, Lindsey, etc) all booked holidays during fashion week/month. Perhaps to distract themselves from not getting invited to any good shows?

One last thing, I stumbled upon this the other day. Check the dates––y'all aren't wrong about the copying.

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Hello all, this is my first post ever so hopefully I am doing it right.

This latest video was too much. In the video she said youtube is "something I do because I enjoy doing it" but yet she doesn't want to do it if she's not getting paid? Girl hasn't worked a hard day in her life (something which is made super clear in her work chat video). I get so annoyed when these influencers say they had "such a busy day" and then go on to say they had 3 calls! At 30 minutes each! A whole hour and a half of work! God bless.

Based on her depop, I do think she does a lot of content creation that she is not obligated to post. However, (if I'm right), it's super crappy that she then goes on to sell the gifted products. Also, did anyone else notice––she sold the red sweaters.

I also couldn't help but notice that these girls (BB, Lizzy, Lindsey, etc) all booked holidays during fashion week/month. Perhaps to distract themselves from not getting invited to any good shows?

One last thing, I stumbled upon this the other day. Check the dates––y'all aren't wrong about the copying.

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You did it so right. Welcome!!
This is so sad and pathetic.
She was going to do a series on restoring the camper van and camping.... she made one video.
She is copying content from a group of influencers because she too is an influencer, claiming to not be one, claiming to be creative when really she is just copying.
She has no style or sense of style, she just shops for the latest thing (I just watched the Kirsten Dunst Architectural Digest video, look at her interior designer and how she speaks... that is style and a real job).
She starts things and does not finish them. It's so sad. And now she's asking us for money.

Honestly she is a young-ish woman who bought too many clothes and is asking strangers for money, after leaving her home and setting up a new one she can't afford. I know BB reads a lot... perhaps she's read Madame Bovary? SHOP LESS.

I'll add the comments seem cruel to her because the truth hurts, don't it?
Hello all, this is my first post ever so hopefully I am doing it right.

This latest video was too much. In the video she said youtube is "something I do because I enjoy doing it" but yet she doesn't want to do it if she's not getting paid? Girl hasn't worked a hard day in her life (something which is made super clear in her work chat video). I get so annoyed when these influencers say they had "such a busy day" and then go on to say they had 3 calls! At 30 minutes each! A whole hour and a half of work! God bless.

Based on her depop, I do think she does a lot of content creation that she is not obligated to post. However, (if I'm right), it's super crappy that she then goes on to sell the gifted products. Also, did anyone else notice––she sold the red sweaters.

I also couldn't help but notice that these girls (BB, Lizzy, Lindsey, etc) all booked holidays during fashion week/month. Perhaps to distract themselves from not getting invited to any good shows?

One last thing, I stumbled upon this the other day. Check the dates––y'all aren't wrong about the copying.

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that picture/post has to be one of the most obvious and egregious rip offs. wow!
Hello all, this is my first post ever so hopefully I am doing it right.

This latest video was too much. In the video she said youtube is "something I do because I enjoy doing it" but yet she doesn't want to do it if she's not getting paid? Girl hasn't worked a hard day in her life (something which is made super clear in her work chat video). I get so annoyed when these influencers say they had "such a busy day" and then go on to say they had 3 calls! At 30 minutes each! A whole hour and a half of work! God bless.

Based on her depop, I do think she does a lot of content creation that she is not obligated to post. However, (if I'm right), it's super crappy that she then goes on to sell the gifted products. Also, did anyone else notice––she sold the red sweaters.

I also couldn't help but notice that these girls (BB, Lizzy, Lindsey, etc) all booked holidays during fashion week/month. Perhaps to distract themselves from not getting invited to any good shows?

One last thing, I stumbled upon this the other day. Check the dates––y'all aren't wrong about the copying.

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Oh wow - if she hasn’t credited them as inspiration that’s pretty indefensible! Larger influencers copying smaller ones always feels particularly gross.
Last video came a bit as a shock and just the sheer cheek of it.
Basically YouTube is a hobby and I’m sorry guys I haven’t been posting because I’m such a uptight arse who doesn’t really want to share too much, but anyway if you want to see more of me then please pay for it.
Hmmmm, if you going to post same tit as you already do on YouTube but more often then you aren’t selling it well enough. Plus who wants to see this more than once a week, I sure as hell don’t. She never shares anything about her life, calls us all nosy, calls herself boringfull of excuses. I mean why should we pay her?
As many have already said she lacks integrity, experience, imagination and talent to ask people to pay for her little side venture. I get if she said “I’m passionate about YouTube, I’d like to do more of it, but to get there I need to do this and that which is fair enough.
BB is very defensive and clearly doesn’t go about things in the best way which result in her getting attacked because she doesn’t know how to accept criticism and just move on, adapt. Or maybe she thinks that the criticism coming from people who don’t pay her isn’t very fair. Well I beg to differ we offer her free advice so why not channel it into something more positive. And if she can’t handle the pressure then maybe she should stop this at once and get a job in the office where she is invisible to the public eye.
I get the impression BB has imposter syndrome and it's hitting her hard. there's only so long you can copy other people and pass it off as your own ~unique creativity~ before the cracks start to show and boy are they showing!! I don't think being an influencer is for her. most influencers have pretty thin skin but BB is espeically defensive. she can't hande any criticism at all. I hope she reads here or at the very least her viewers let her know how gross it is to ask people to fund her "hobby"! go get a job BB.
Completely agree with everyone - I remember at one point her Instagram bio read something like “visual artist” - and at the time I wasn’t familiar with whatever the f she does for a job. I legit thought she was a designer or painter! Constantly creating this myth that she’s above other influencers or that the things she provides for free are such a “luxury” for us all to consume. 40 mins of her talking about books, showing an outfit in a mirror, going for a run and cooking pasta isn’t something I’d consider luxury.

When she said she’d put “uncut” videos on her Patreon I had to laugh. She didn’t even edit out the delivery man now. Why would people want to pay to watch even more of that waffle?

It’s clearly opened an interesting conversation though about the value we DON’T place on influencers. A bit like that influencer who had like 2 million followers, opened an online shop selling t shirts and literally NOBODY bought one!
There are so many posts and video content direct rip offs that I've lost count. When I first started watching her I thought her quite good but the more I have, the more I have realized how this is so frequently the case. There was someone on the last thread who knew her personally at school I believe and explained how when MySpace was around she copied formats of entire profiles as her own. They (and I'm sorry I can't remember who this was/is) called her a predator which I was like, hang on, that's a strong word, wowsa. They also spoke of how much of a "mean girl" she was to others- back then anyway.

But the more I watched the more I saw mean Brittany seep through the veneer.

Maybe this is partially karma coming back to bite? I don't think many posts on tattle are that mean actually. The worst that's been said is that little Ms. Sourpuss (hahahaha) is verging into middle age mum territory and getting a bit jowly (LOL, doesn't everybody), she copies (truth), is insecure (so is everyone) and waffles on (so do I - LOL). But lots of nice things said too, even in this thread which isn't the rave one. FFS. People on the web can be brutal animals. None of that happening here.

Quoting Grandad "HEY! don't dish it out if you can't take it! and "I want doesn't get." followed by a snort of gleeful laughter. We were very posh, can you tell? That's the English for ya. At least the working class London variety.

And now "I will shut my cake hole and get on my bike" la la la 🤣
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The folks I pay through Patreon not only have dedicated their careers to creating content and have (as someone mentioned) so much integrity in what they produce. The visual editing is good, the storytelling is good, there is a point to it. I pay for a musician who is hit hard by COVID touring interruptions who has produced so much amazing music and shows for years, through Patreon they are doing "at home" concerts and interviews. I also follow How to Renovate a Chateau (without killing your partner) and my god. They are super talented, make amazing content, are starting a BnB and doing all the renos themselves and they produce so much engaging extra content on Patreon I cannot keep up.

BB DOES NOTHING. What would anyone pay her for? Is there a way to report this as a scam?

Honestly, I used to think she had interesting style and a refreshing approach. Now it's just wasteful consumption, total lack of originality, copying others' content, and bitchy moaning about people who pay attention to her. I truly hope she reads here because she needs to get. a. grip. She hasn't worked a traditional job seemingly ever (she worked retail for at best a few years) is incredibly out of touch and expects everything to be free and effusively complementary. It's gross and sad. I'm shocked her and Abi Marvel are friends considering Abi seems to have a sense of humour, work ethic, personality, interests.... blargh.

BB is truly sad, I skipped through her latest video and as everyone's said (love this phrasing) "the sheer CHEEK OF IT" x 1 000 000 000