It is shocking she visits and they are out straight away but this is not new. They did the exact same thing last year.Brian goes into some sort of orbit when Pipsy throws him a bone. Imagine Mum arriving and they aren’t even at home never mind staying at home.
Such users. To think (I think) we all mostly gave Orthur the benefit of the doubt years back but he’s turned out to be almost the worst of the two.
I'm all for parents enjoying a night out but come on, 2 nights in a row and no need to stay in a hotel when living so close.
They don't realise how lucky they have it having a live in slave. Sorry 2 now. Tati prob has been told that they are the most famous and important people in Ireland. His mum should be coming over for a holiday and to play/enjoy her grandchildren not cooking and cleaning and childminding.