That's what I thought too - she's too small to leave that long between feeds. 11.30pm until 7.45am is so long for a tiny baby. And them thinking they know better than the guidelines that recommend waking a baby to feed every 4 hours, and boasting about it on insta The ignorance.Blu is too small to sleep that long to maintain her blood glucose medically. Max you should leavr her is 5 hours.
Her avoidance of eye contact during feeding makes so much sense now. They are force feeding-not as aggressive as it sounds. But "pushing her to take those extra few onces " is very concerning language.
It's all about B and A's comfort. Fill her up with formula so she will sleep 6+ hours, so Brian gets his beauty sleep Wonder what Tati makes of it all? Brian's dad, the girls only grandad, doesn't seem to be involved at all. He's probably disgusted at their carry on and their selfishness.