Brad Pete #2 Stuck in Thailand with a Kidney Stone, needs a million likes to get back home!

Hes posted, looks terrible, but still begging from the hospital bed! Jesus wept
I've just went on my burner account and seen him 😳😳
My question is, why did he go to Thailand knowing he was poorly? Because if my memory is correct, he posted a few months back saying he had been very unwell and had lost a lot of weight due to bowel issues, so now he is saying that hes had a good chunk of his bowel removed, so who in their right mind would travel half way around the world when you're as poorly as him? I dont believe for 1 minute he would've had travel insurance judging by his airport videos when he was trying to get home, hes a very silly man but a very lucky one, hopefully he doesn't go back to his old habits of drink and green and actually does something with his life now, hes had a 2nd chance at life by the looks of it so he really should make the most of it, I cant see it somehow. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
What actually caused him to be so ill? Was it kidney stones as that’s what he said on his video but he has had some of his bowel removed……
We dont really know to be honest, he said kidney stones in Thailand but a few months back he went off the app for a bit then came back on looking really thin and gaunt, he said he had been poorly with bowel problems and had lost alot of weight, but then decided to go off to Thailand and his health deteriorated over there, next we knew he did that video the other day saying hes had part of his bowel removed, my guess is he had some sort of inflammatory bowel disease ie crohn's, colitis etc didnt look after himself and maybe ended up with a perforated bowel which is a medical emergency but because he had left it a few days or more in thailand his organs more than likely started to or failed hence the tracheotomy and him being in ICU for so long, I'm only guessing this, I dont watch him anymore unless theres something going on then I go on my burner acc to be nosey, as you do 😂 I cant see her at all as I'm blocked on both my accounts by her, I'm not making another account just to watch her do the same dance but different dress in her living room, it's boring! 🙄
So I only watched a little bit because her live kept freezing and it pissed me off. Basically she said it wasn’t drink related it was hereditary apparently he had 30 meter of small intestines removed. I did record some but it says it’s too long to post.
30 meters of small intestine, that’s amazing! Considering we only have 7 meters. They always have to exaggerate, he’s been intensive care we know he’s ill, as my Dr said you don’t get a bed in there for nothing! Just tell the TRUTH