I feel so odd about him ‘having’ a baby.
I’m sure he’ll do as good a job as any but i am probably in the minority that there is something sad about it.
I prepare to get flamed but its my opinion and wondered is it just me?
A baby can smell its own mother and also recognise her voice from time in the womb. It ensures contentment etc and yes i know babies can be taken into care by social services etc
6 weeks or whenever that baby is over here. Maybe never ever see its biological mother ever again.
I may get flamed but i just cant really articulate how it makes me feel
Also the hormones from birth etc the bond biologically etc she’s a better one than me as i just couldn’t imagine doing that.
Even for all the money in the world.
Its a complete shock to your life becoming a parent even after years of wanting and hoping.
Wonder how much he’ll expose the child to his social media, no face being shown atm.