I agree with all you feel. Both me and Rich had a joint friend that passed away last year. That friend met Rich via the oncology clinic. No lies about having cancer, but I have known for sometime that most of what Rich put out there was absolute nonsense.
The story about him been broken into? The photo showing the garage which had been 'ransacked', just look at it, it all looks like stuff ready to go to landfill. Worn out shoes and the like.
Vandals ransacked the family home twice, and then returned a third time and destroyed and urinated on sentimental letters between Richard and his wife Lisa
Lisa sure seems to spend an inordinate amount of time wailing, howling, screaming, on the ground, etc. Why is she described this way on multiple occasions? For a woman in a high position of dealing with children, often in traumatic circumstances, I would not expect her to be predisposed to histrionics in adverse circumstances. I haven't observed her that much myself, but from what I have gathered, she seems quite self possessed and composed.
Not sure why he wants to portray her as a shrinking, wailing violet, but he certainly seems to, in every circumstance; from his hospital cancer update, this vandalism, seeing him in his leopard getup on the honeymoon and having a fit or some such thing, his sad description of her when purchasing the gardening gear... he seems to want to paint her as a less than capable, competent, self assured grown assed woman.
I agree, the description of the burglaries seems highly suspect. Why were the "treasured momentos" stuffed in boxes in...the garage? What were all those boxes of clothing, shoes, etc. even doing there? He reports that he was not there...he was resting. Where, then? Who opens boxes like that when one is burgling a residence, wouldn't you just quickly rip the top open, rummage, then move onto the next? Or if it's a personal vendetta, what idiot would return more than once, then beat up a security guard who could ID you, who would take that chance, plus leave bodily fluids behind? Why on earth would the treasured momentos still be there to be urinated on after several prior vandalisms???
To me, it reads more like an advert for his GFM and his cancer status than a report of credible targetted attacks. Or a false insurance claim? It does not ring true to me at all.