I didn’t notice until you said (I tend to skip her stories, just get the start for the culled ) but wow she really moves fast.Did you spot the women on the right in the bootcamp vid move because she could see BM was filming and clearly didn’t want to be in the vid??
Honestly, I have thought this about the whole reno! In fairness, I'm no BoSs MuMmY but when I did my house up when I moved in last year, I did the painting first then everything else followed! Its a total shamblesWhy is she putting clothes in the wardrobes when it still needs another coat of paint?!
And she said she did her driveway workouts as they had a no shoes in the house rule!!I still can’t get over her “we’re a shoes on house” as if you decide and then it’s set in stone. She’s got those filthy trainers on a brand new cream carpet. I grew up in a shoes on house but our house is most definitely shoes off and everyone complies except my mother who insists on leaving hers on. It really winds me up. I had the last laugh however when she walked a load of mud into her own house
I have never seen or heard her mention cleaning except when she gave up her nails for a cleaner but soon stopped that.I’ve only got carpet in the bedrooms so I’m not precious about shoes being on elsewhere but I can’t abide shoes on a carpet. I also thoroughly clean my floors regularly and we all pretty much take our shoes off at the door anyway.
She’s a grubby mare - the stewing in sweaty gym clothes all day proves that - so I dread to think how dirty the house was even before the building work started. She might be tidy but I bet she’s dirty
she must have constant thrush stewing away in those sweaty knickersShe’s a grubby mare - the stewing in sweaty gym clothes all day proves that - so I dread to think how dirty the house was even before the building work started. She might be tidy but I bet she’s dirty
She designed her whole kitchen around the bar and her Christmas tree. Surely the first thing you would think about would be a plug socket for the lights.
Whys she so sickly View attachment 2385901 q
View attachment 2385904 q
Never gets any time to herself View attachment 2385906 q