I dont get the booze. I just dont. I don't have kids but even if I've got something fun planned for the Saturday and we go out on the Friday night, I'm not risking not being on my a game and won't drink.
On a separate note. My sister is a (mostly) functioning alcoholic and she has kids, not all in her care anymore, and because of her drinking and the risks she takes/the risks she has put the kids and herself at we no longer have a relationship because I felt like I was okay-ing her behaviour sticking around. So the fact she still has all these fan girls fawning over her on insta baffles the tit out of me.
We babysit my OH nephews fairly often, neither of us would dream of even having even 1 drink before getting in the car with them. And definitely not getting drunk when they sleep over, the fear of 'what if' and needing to take them to the hospital of wherever. Nah I just don't get the boozing. Even having a hangover with the kids around is a no no for me. They need full attention. Obvs being a full time parent is different, life and socialising does happen, but to be on the booze as frequently as she is, that's a problem.