Book Club #3 Reading is life

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Book to read for June is My Husband by Maud Ventura, suggested by @Caffeine Fiend who won by a landslide

I love this cover of My Husband ❤️

I started it last night, feel like it's going to be a super quick read as I'm already 9% in
I thought I'd lost you guys 🙉

If anyone has Everand (formerly Scribd) My Husband is available for free on audiobook.
I thought I’d lost the thread too!!

I’m 40% of the way through and I’m just not bothered. It’s alright but I’m just finding it irritating. Why is she so whingy? Some elements I’m relating to, like some of her anxieties but for the most part I’m just thinking ‘shut up and get on with it’. I’ve had a run of books about rich and privileged women complaining about stuff and I think I’m over it now.

I’ll keep going but I think this is going to be a bottom of the pile book for me.
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I thought I’d lost the thread too!!

I’m 40% of the way through and I’m just not bothered. It’s alright but I’m just finding it irritating. Why is she so whingy? Some elements I’m relating to, like some of her anxieties but for the most part I’m just thinking ‘shut up and get on with it’. I’ve had a run of books about rich and privileged women complaining about stuff and I think I’m over it now.

I’ll keep going but I think this is going to be a bottom of the pile book for me.
I haven't read your spoiler, but also finding it irritating! I just want to shake her for being so needy!
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I'm 50% in and I'm 99% sure that I know what the twist will be. the man is going to be the one actually pulling the strings somehow and this alleged manipulative woman is actually being manipulated (as well as trying to manipulate)

It does feel extremely extremely French, if that makes sense 😂
Yep finished it and... Yep.

I usually enjoy unhinged women narrators but her desperation to be liked by men, th continued use or "my husband" (I know it was the point but it was so annoying and had I read it in french "Mon Mari" would have made me crawl up a wall) and her absolutely pathetic obsession made me really wish for a swift end to the torture 😂

And to top it all she wasn't actually even as smart as she thought she was and he was the puppeteer the whole time. Eh. Not my cup of tea.
Yep finished it and... Yep.

I usually enjoy unhinged women narrators but her desperation to be liked by men, th continued use or "my husband" (I know it was the point but it was so annoying and had I read it in french "Mon Mari" would have made me crawl up a wall) and her absolutely pathetic obsession made me really wish for a swift end to the torture 😂

And to top it all she wasn't actually even as smart as she thought she was and he was the puppeteer the whole time. Eh. Not my cup of tea.
Saved myself 99p thank you 😅
There’s humour to be found in her internal monologue and old 50’s housewife ways. every single thing she does is so considered and intentional and downright manipulative, I can’t help but wonder how she’d score in a psychopathy assessment. Her work as a translator affords an interesting glimpse into the intricacies involved with translating text which I’d never before known or imagined. But I’d love to have found out more about who she is, where she came from, the impoverished childhood referenced but never elaborated upon. As it was, the chapters became monotonous and a little tedious. If it had been published as a short story or even novella I think it would have been stronger a work. The impact of the story felt diluted in its current form. I do feel the epilogue deserves the extra half star though.