Big Olly #4 From Ching Ching to Clink Clink; The Big Man admits she was Risley’s Top Mink.

But why's she got a canvas of Dracula and the Crypt Keeper on her wall

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Ollys having a meltdown, saying Ryan and Wully have threatened her wean and now she can't do karaoke or concentrate to dry her hair before the turn up to get her 😭😭

Apparently wullys had a welfare check as well 😂
She's saying Ryan and Wully were spotted by her neighbour leaving a threatening letter attached to her car 😂
Is she having a breakdown because Ryan had one. 🙂 I was in Wully's live earlier when his door got chapped. It was so loud you could have thought it was the police but sadly for Olly it was only his food delivery. She's a roaster. x
Ollys having a meltdown, saying Ryan and Wully have threatened her wean and now she can't do karaoke or concentrate to dry her hair before the turn up to get her 😭😭

Apparently wullys had a welfare check as well 😂
She's saying Ryan and Wully were spotted by her neighbour leaving a threatening letter attached to her car 😂
Crazy woman. x 🙄