I don't think you're supposed to be able to follow. She's using lots of smoke and mirrors to avoid answering the real questions about why she set off on this journey knowing it was practically impossible for someone as disabled as she claims to be, and where the scrambled egg pamphlet is.
If you're confused, her tactics are working. Have you donated generously to her wishlist yet?
Thank goodness our protagonist proclaims herself to be a massive (snigger) leftie who despises the conservatives. She makes Mandelson look like a spin amateur.
To recap:
Rebecca Kitchen claims to be too disabled to drive long distances and to drive without an adult companion/carer. This allows her to claim the highest level of disability benefits.
She elected to drive from Liverpool to her home, in the dark and pissing down rain, having already driven there. Both times with only an eight year old for company.
She drove herself off the road. Depending on which of her versions you believe, she aquaplaned or skidded on oil. Despite there being no other crashes, apparently the police received reports of five other cars skidding on oil. Rebecca herself also claims to have aquaplaned.
She cracked a few ribs, fractured her collarbone and her spine. She refused surgery and the NHS sling and went home.
She has demanded more morphine than her GP is comfortable providing. A side effect of morphine is incontinence.
Somehow she has ended up back in hospital. She doesn’t have pissing your pants syndrome. She has now lowered her sling standards and is wearing an NHS sling. Presumably, she has the morphine.
She is capable of raising her arms high enough to take selfies that show her at the most flattering angle, but not food photos.
She hasn’t managed to pleasure herself since the accident. Most of us would consider this inconsequential and wouldn’t tweet about it. However, studies have shown she is the most sexual and sexiest person on the planet. One day, books will be written about our modern day Helen of Troy. Not by her, obviously.
Kiddo has had no education in this period apart from an afternoon at art school that she had to railroad ex’s new girlfriend into transporting them to and from because she will not spend his disability benefits (also fraudulent) on anything so frivolous as the transport they are supposed to cover. Let’s spare a thought for Kiddo’s poor dad in this as he has been called upon to dress her. She will no doubt be advising him on complex PTSD. As usual, kiddo is being neglected and treated as a young carer, despite her fraudulent claims of his high needs.
She is busily manipulating kiddo’s reluctance to be in a vehicle after a crash into CPTSD and rewriting the crash that he walked away without a scratch from and that she came out of with a couple of minor fractures as life threatening. As predicted, the wish lists have been created and the creepy men have been sending gifts.
- No work on the scrambled eggs pamphlet
- Plenty of exaggeration
- Seeds planted for fraudulent insurance and compo claims
- Grifting intensified
- Kiddo still being neglected/abused
- Still a shameless, sponging slapper
Happy Saturday