Well-known member
Can't wait to read one of those ha ha
I can’t believe she answered it. That was done and dusted 2 years ago. Anything for clickbait hahaLol she’s been asked if she’s still friends with another blogger / I assume the question was referencing Brogan tate
I was just thinking the same, I didn’t really notice it too much but now it’s the only thing I see thanks to everyone on hereI know it's been said before but she really needs to wash that hair!
I mean don’t get me wrong during lockdown I looked a state but that was to my work colleagues who know I can’t look a state… I’d never in million years look like that for clients!I honestly can’t stand it. All her job seems to entail is meeting after meeting and even if it’s just zoom I would never in my life sit there looking like that. It is absolutely repulsive and looks like it stinks. I just can’t unsee it these days
as soon as I saw her post this I had to come on here I knew you would all have the same opinion as me… there’s no way that’s every other day with how bad it looks sometimes
Why spend that amount of money on something when you can’t even keep up with basic hygiene.She’s bought Dyson air wrap… like that’s going to help