SO she also has a book club and before the middle of May it was free. You got to join the facebook group, have discussions about the book that was chosen for that month blah blah. I appreciate it's not everyone's cuppa tea, but since lockdown I've definitely been reading more than usual and it was nice to put your thoughts down somewhere sometimes with people who wanted to hear...
Then, Beth introduces this new book club phase where any pre-exisiting members could choose the £0 fee for the next 4 years or whatever, or you could contribute £5 a month or something like that if you had spare monies... I'm presuming most if not all must have chosen the £0 offer as then maybe a couple of days before the official launch where the pre-existing member codes would no longer work, apparently, everyone who clicks £0 had issues with their account (I call bs) and so she made it so that if you wanted to continue to be part of the videos with authors, etc. you had to pay even though it's all currently via zoom anyway and free publicity for the author!! It didn't sit well with me especially when maybe people in the facebook group had been furloughed or lost their jobs due to COVID, etc. I get that she's trying to m ake a business out of it, but to say that pre-exisiting members could have free access as they were 'founding members' to then go back on that word was irritating.
I feel like she's very self righteous, stuck up. I also didn't like the post about miscarriage. I understand that it is great to raise awareness especially having lost a baby myself, but that for me isn't content and neither was it really awareness. If maybe she had posted links to charities or helpline for people who are suffering from loss and maybe are struggling mentally due to it, that would've been a more constructive post to have made. The one person on IG I admire for this is feathering the empty nest. She's so open and honest, always puts out help and guidance, okay one is her charity that she set-up, but it's still going to help people!!