Well good evening, Tattlers. After my very brief skimming of the latest Vlog caused waves of vomiting and nausea for over an hour, I was reluctant to watch the whole thing. However, tantalising titbits from
@NotAFan12345 and
@invincible_1200s piqued my interest. So, armed with a large glass of a nicely chilled Western Australia Sauvignon Blanc I dove in. What followed was approximately 22 minutes of the most mind numbing, stale, bland, snorrendous footage I have ever put my brain through. This was so bad I would not be surprised if it brought forward my eventual dementia diagnosis by several months because so many of my brain cells decided to commit Hari-Kiri upon watching it.
We start by the ocean for six-and-a-half minutes of BLAB wandering along the shoreline collecting seashells and stating (for the first of many times) they don’t have a lot of time today as THEY HAVE SO MUCH TO DO. (I will return to this point later.) KKKT did confess that she has “finally crossed into old lady shoes” needing orthopaedic shoes, even to walk on the beach. I humbly suggest that a contributing factor to having to wear those shoes at such a young age is the unlimited snarfing of hundreds of thousands of theme park calories, but as my Master’s degree is not in “Science and Research” I may be wrong.
With Spence muttering a final “stuff to do” we leave the shores of the BU. Spence lets us know that both he an KKKT needed to go and get their bloodwork done. The couple that develops diabetes together stays together, I guess. From memory KKKT had bloodwork done last November and declared to Stans one and all back then that she was in perfect health – not sure why if she was in perfect health another one was needed 6 months later, especially if you’re in your mid-thirties.. EDIT: This was written before I saw The REAL Karen McCoy’s post which makes
total sense!
Naturally it was time to eat because they had to fast for their
blood test to sell their blood. Well, they were meant to, but they did a ‘not full fast’ because they had a coffee this morning. But that’s still fasting, right? On a side note here - on the day they have SO MUCH TO DO they have managed to just go for a walk and have a
blood test sell their blood and it's already past midday – but I digress. Of course, brunch consisted of innumerable
(KKKT hon that means lots of) carbs, sugar and calories as each of them had one and a half meals each. Then Spence mumbled about getting the car washed.
What then followed was nearly seven minutes of the most incredibly boring footage of the pair driving to their next destination. This drive was the birthplace of such unforgettable utterances as……… “Oh look it’s another Tesla dealership”, “This is the art store” and my personal favourite, “This is the mattress district” referring to a swathe of home furniture and furnishing stores.
The only memorable part of this torture was the few seconds the eagle-eyed invincible_1200s caught KKKT trying to cover her paunch that she has worked so hard on.
After a surprisingly brief visit to Spence’s
pile of junk storage locker they were back on the road and spent the next few minutes wondering why they storage people had put an extra lock on (see notafan12345’s post) and then we got to hear Spence mansplaining about how valuable all his old
crap memorabilia was. The highlight of this segment was watching KKKT scrape the colour off her fingernails.
Of course, now it was time for a $15 smoothie each before Spence forgot to sign off.
SO IN A NUTSHELL: The day they HAD SO MUCH TO DO consisted of a walk on the beach,
getting their bloodtest selling their blood, getting the car washed and visiting a storage locker. And eating.
Living their Best Life.
Time for me to have another glass of wine.