Completely agree no shame in it at all except for BLAB. They are always pretending to be living this high end lifestyle but in reality they had their second flat tire in 18 months and their "beach property" is a rent controlled apartment.As someone who donates plasma twice a week, I agree. The bandage needs to stay on for about 2-3 hours after, and even then sometimes you still might need a band aid because the puncture site is still bleeding a little. As a new donor you can make $900-$1000 if you donate 8 times within the first month. After that, the compensation goes down, but it's still pretty decent supplemental income that can be a big help to someone on a budget that still wants to do extra curricular activities, or to just pretend that they aren't broke in their case. No shame in it. It's helping save lives and you get compensated for it. No reason to lie about it if you are a normal person who can admit you want the extra money. The thing is, you don't fast when donating plasma. You are encouraged to eat (a healthy meal) within an hour of donating. You are also highly encouraged to stay away from fatty foods especially, and to be well hydrated, and can be deferred if they see your fatty ass plasma coming out in the tube. I'll be curious to see if they continue doing it to get the full payout, or if it was just to make a quick buck to immediately waste on shitty food.
They have had more flat tires in the last 18 months than I have had in 30 years.