. Oh KT please!! Staaaahhhhp!! I just can’t with this!!
. Oh KT please!! Staaaahhhhp!! I just can’t with this!!
“Mark Twain Aggression”
Deep Thoughts With Slockbower
“Mark Twain Aggression”
dead"Don't Give These Gringos Any Money"
I love those books!I miss Jack Handy. Lol
Did I miss something?
This one? will you repost your last post here? It was great!
They really should call their Patreon Chat The White Power Hour, starring SERF and KKKTReposting from last thread:
Dear blab,
Once you wake up from your nightly slumber and begin reading here. Please remember that people of color are done with PR stunts which includes and not limited to:
- saying I'm not racist because my friend is **insert POC ethnicity here**
- saying I'm not racist because my **insert family member** is a person of color
- saying you participate in activities or spaces that are predominantly filled by people of color (graffiti art)
- liking margaritas and tacos also does not redeem you. That's a long standing trend that racism always hovers over. They want the food but not the people.
- saying you went to school that had a large POC population, just because you were near people doesn't mean you weren't afraid or accepted them
Before you go on a rampage on your socials. Please stop, think and just issue an apology for your racist comments yesterday. You may have tried to mask them as concern but the true feelings shine right through. This isn't cancel culture! This is consequences for your actions and comments.
Please don't double down and try to post a photo with your step dad or Magic Journeys. That would make everything worst optics wise. It will look like you are using them for their ethnicities.
Calling it "the projects" and "Felony flats" to a predominantly non-white area is racist. Trying to impose the idea that gentrification should have happened without those families who own homes to not be paid what they feel is fair, is a racist ideal. They own those homes, if disney wants them they can pay them the supply and demand amount you love talking about.
Adam has walked around and shown that whole area on videos multiple times. He never said any of what you were spewing out.