For lurkers that didn't catch the livestream where KT admitted she made fun of someone with cancer: See below courtesy of
I saw the WHW followed by the Super Bestie Livestream. I almost watched the whole thing but I had to stop because I got so pissed off!
KT was shilling the Patreon at the end of WHW urging people to join and be a bestie. She tried to make it sound elite by saying “there’s super bestie merch coming too!”
They were late to the Bestie Livestream and they seemed to be on each other’s nerves. Here are some gems in case you missed the Bestie Livestream.
KT blames everything (and I mean everything) on her separation and the pandemic. She said Spencer & his girlfriend and KT and her Husband were all friends. It wasn’t until they separated when KT and Spencer hooked up. KT wanted to make it work with her Husband so she went back. Spencer’s face was even redder than usual when she was saying this. He blurted out “I WAS PISSED!” then KT starts pawing at Spencer saying “Old Guys Rule” and Spencer saying “you have no choice you are stuck with this old guy!” ….we ALL know this is COMPLETE BULLSHIT. What do their actual paying fans think?
Someone in chat thanked KT for her posting about body image on her Instagram. THIS is what set KT off. She started yelling at everyone who talks crap about her calling them horrible names etc. Spencer goes on to say anyone who has anything bad to say about them is ugly, overweight, fatter than they are, etc… basically Spencer won’t
duck the trolls.
Spencer goes on to taunt the trolls by saying “they hide behind a keyboard and would never have the guts to say any of this to their face”. KT starts to panic as he says this knowing it’s going to encourage people to talk
tit to them in public (especially at their beloved Disneyland)
KT goes on to say “you never know what someone is going thru”. She seems drunk. She starts telling a story about how she “hasn’t always been a perfect person” and how she made fun of this girl (who everyone would always make fun of) and one day KT made a nasty comment about her hair. This girl died of ovarian cancer at age 35 shortly after. KT says this upset her for “a couple weeks” and has “to live with this”. KT said the lady who she made fun of didn’t tell anyone about her cancer. KT says her and Spencer “never make fun or judge someone of their appearance”.
KT brings up the road trip to Yosemite saying it was during the heat wave and she was burning up in the car bc they drove there with the AC off but then she catches herself to say “THIS IS SUCH A WELL MAINTAINED CAR!” and Grandpa Spence jumps in to say how the mechanic always tells them what a gem their car is, how great is is, how reliable etc… WE ALL
The conversation moves to them talking about traveling, hotels and road trips. KT out of nowhere proclaims how she “has to travel with her slow drip coffee machine” and how she “hates Keurigs!” at least half a dozen times. She tells a very bizarre story about how at their “Malibu home” KT got so pissed off about the “watery Keurig” that she unplugged it, threw it over the balcony and someone yelled at her so she went, picked it up, put it on the side of the road & it was gone in 10 minutes”. Spencer cuts her off and seems embarrassed.
There’s probably more I’m missing but it was an absolute
tit show. I wonder what the actual real donors feel about it today if they were able to see it. They were really showing their asses and true colors.