Best contraception

I'm quite tempted to try the ring but have heard some GPs aren't that likely to offer it and dont know many people who have used it
I'm currently on the pill, I take Rigevidon (I think that's how you spell it). Due to some other health issues which are exasperated by my menstrual cycle, I take the pill for three months, then have 1 week break where I have my period, then continue on for another three months. Generally I like the pill, although it does lower my sex drive quite a lot. I haven't noticed any weight gain.

I tried the patch recently as my GP suggested it but after three months I stopped. I found it awful! It constantly fell off, my periods were the most painful they've ever been, hard to keep the area round the patch clean.
I've been on the depo for about 10 years, not planning on having kids so it's great for me, and no periods!

Due to lockdown I've not been able to get the depo so the doctor gave me the cerazette pill which is the same hormone as the depo
I’ve been on Depo for a few years then about this time last year was given Sayana Press, which is basically the same but comes in little squeezy injectors that you do yourself at home. Go in once a year for a new supply. So handy. And no bleeding at all.

That said, I’ve pretty much doubled in size since I started the jabs which hasn’t been so fun.
Came off the implant in august, and I’ve noticed I’m losing more hair on my hairbrush and I saw someone on insta talk about when they came off BC they had hair loss problems...has anyone experienced hair loss when coming off contraception? I was on nexplanon for 7 years
I wish i didnt have to take the pill, one less to take every day would be good. Absolutely cannot risk another baby though. After struggling with PMS/PMDD, im too scared to change what im on - even though im higher risk for blood clots etc
I have the copper coil but I’m booked in for a hormonal replacement but I think I’m going to cancel. I have 18 months left on my copper, then we are planning one more baby.

I’m just fed up of periods.
I am in the same position as some other posters on this thread. I have been on every different type of birth control for over 15 years. I have had two babies: one natural birth and one caesarean.

I have suffered with postnatal depression and can no longer take any hormonal birth control. Our only options are the copper coil or condoms. I am on the waiting list to get a copper coil but it’s been months now. All we can do is use condoms but they turn me off so much, we barely have sex anymore.

I have talked to my partner about a vasectomy but he is scared and doesn’t feel ready at this time. Our family is complete and we definitely do not want more children. I feel so stressed about this situation as I am petrified of getting pregnant again. It makes me want to stop having sex at all. It frustrates me how it’s made to feel like it’s the woman’s responsibility to sort out the contraception. I don’t know what to do anymore.
After 10 years of taking the pill the best contraception for us is now condoms. Why should it always be my responsibility rather than his?
I’ve just had my second child and when sorting out my contraception, I spoke to my doctor (who’s a woman) and she said it’s easier for the man to be sterilised but she refers women if they are done. Maybe try having an appointment with the female doctor at your GP as I find they are more understanding regarding this. She did say it can take 1-2 years on the nhs though .
Was on the pill for years then have been using a cap - it's a brilliant thing. No hormones, completely reversible and you know it's in the right place, hasn't fallen out / become embedded in you etc... they are a bit of a 1950s device and have gone out of fashion presently but it works perfectly for me.
I’m in contraception limbo. I’m not on the pill anymore and don’t want to go back onto hormonal methods, the coil sounds horrifying and I have quite painful periods anyway so that’s a no. Natural cycles sounds like a lot of hassle and not very accurate (who wakes up at the exact same time every day and always gets the same amount of sleep?!) and I’d still end up needing to use condoms half the time anyway?! There really is nothing else out there! Fed up at the lack of choices. So my current method is just to abstain 😂
This thread really makes me sad you know! I can hear the frustration from all of us about lack of choice and the fact we want to avoid pregnancy without potentially damaging side effects from extra hormones! It sucks 😓

Isn't it frustrating the tit women have to go through just to be able to have sex without ending up with a child. Taking the contraception doesn't bother me, it's the side effects! Men really do have it soooo much easier.
Mirena coil for me, contraception and no periods, great! when I first got it, I felt a bit moody but I’ve never looked back, I’ll be getting my third one tomorrow x


Any obvious side effects with the mirena? Mood swings, acne there the ones I’m most worried about? Thanks

I’d love him to have the snip as our family is definitely complete but he point blank refuses unfortunately
My hubby was exactly the same, he’s scared of anything medical so wouldn‘t entertain it. We did have a row about it but the mirena suits me so I let it go 😂. It does feel like contraception is always down to us girls though 🙄
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Has anyone had the copper coil and recommend it? I'm having my second baby next week via csection and they've advised they can put the coil in during the op so I wouldn't feel it. I don't get on with hormonal contraception (tried several pills, implant and patch) so I like how this lasts for 10 years and no hormones. The only thing that worries me is the heavier bleeding that can happen, but is it a ridiculous amount or manageable when you already have semi-heavy periods?
Has anyone had the copper coil and recommend it? I'm having my second baby next week via csection and they've advised they can put the coil in during the op so I wouldn't feel it. I don't get on with hormonal contraception (tried several pills, implant and patch) so I like how this lasts for 10 years and no hormones. The only thing that worries me is the heavier bleeding that can happen, but is it a ridiculous amount or manageable when you already have semi-heavy periods?
I have one and have for the last 4 years. I had light to medium periods before and I would say they are maybe 10-25% heavier now