
It really annoys me when I hear people saying about lazy people just wanting to claim benefits because they don’t want to work. Number 1: under universal credit (which a lot of people are being moved on too currently from the old benefits system) you will be forced to work if you can. I have a diagnoses of agoraphobia which I’ve had since 15 (now 37) I can’t go outside alone and even then it’s extremely difficult for me. I recently had to move over to universal credit due being told too. I’ve had to attend meetings, I’m probably going to have to have a medical and prove I’m not fit for work. Chances are I will be forced into work. Days of free loading on benefits are over and have been for a long time you don’t just get money handed to you anymore!! It’s not fair just to label everyone as lazy and benefit scroungers even people with genuine health problems are being forced to work!

just to add my mental health conditions were listed on my claim but I still have to see a work coach. Some days I can’t even walk around my house and the fear of being forced to work is causing me a lot of distress.
What disability does your sister have?

I’m a bit confused, you said in one breath she doesn’t have BPD but then says you’re not disputing her diagnosis of BPD.

how do you know she doesn’t have bpd? Sorry don’t want to seem rude but I’ve heard people say there’s nothing wrong with me. I have bpd and agoraphobia (I may appear to others I’m ok but that’s far from the truth)
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Such a problem with the benefits system. It should be less than NMW to encourage people back to work. I think it’s important to have a social system where people can get help but then they need to be working. Childcare is also a massive barrier because most nurseries cost more than NMW after any tax to send the kids there. It’s been proven that if the Gov subsidised nurseries the economy would benefit as more women could return to work.
It is below the NMW, my friend who has a brain injury gets about £240 a week, after rent and utilties he has around £36 a month for food.

Yes nursery should be cheaper, however unless you’re a high earner you can get upto 80% of your fees paid. Childminders are also much cheaper than nurseries. Nurseries where we live are around £95 per day, the same hours at childminders here are about £52.
I know someone who gets £2k plus her detached 3 bed house paid for. She’s never worked a day in her life and has birthed 3 kids. That’s not fair whilst I’m paying thousands in tax a month and saving like crazy so I can afford maternity.
So why don’t you do the same?
I have worked for 35 years.. still battling the system to get Universal Credit.
3 mths in and nothing.
It is my first time dealing with DWP.
I find it hearbreaking.
I just want a little help until I find a job.
I really want to work!!
I am very pleased to say that I now have found a full time permanent job.
I finally got money from UC the month before I got my job. But it took ages.
UC should be a safety blanket and not a way of life for those that can work.