I don’t know if she has pnd or not im not a professional but, I had depression throughout my pregnancy had perinatal support up until my child was 6 months. And it was tough. Anti depressants were my life. Looking back I feel so bad I barely did anything with my newborn baby, we had constant lay ins I pretty much stayed in my pjs most days and only went out if needed, make up and brushing my hair I didn’t end think about, but I didn’t the support she has. It was a lonely time. But, I started going baby/toddler groups church based ones most of the people were older it made it seem more bearable (I know that may sound strange) as soon as I saw my child enjoying it I kept going even if I didn’t want to that day. She says she had pnd with Oscar and maybe she did, I know her relationship ended and she was a single mum but she had her whole family behind her. Her older TikToks she used to go for night time drives alone, meet her friends without worrying about a sitter there was always someone to watch him. In a year she has met someone had a baby and moved 3 times (and even this new place doesn’t seem very legit maybe that’s causing her stress), of course that will cause some kind of mental health issue. She hasn’t helped herself. Her life has changed dramatically. I would never post crying videos or photos though, I just don’t get that.