Why does she keep wearing those awful strapless tops/dresses with no bra, they make her look so frumpy, they don’t suit her at all and her tits are touching her twiglet toes. Desperate for content again today she’s shown her ironing board 3 times
‘ironing is done I haven’t gotta worry about that for a few weeks’ while she pretends to clean by running the tap and turning it off again. She’s so filthy, she doesn’t even bother to wash herself let alone her house! ‘Right next job’ what’s that then? Sit on your arse and drink gin? Oh here we go with another patronising speech about how amazing she thinks she is and we’re all dirty filthy peasants. Her and Jason are couple goals???
he doesn’t even wanna be around her he fucks off out on his bike at every opportunity he can get just to be away from her 5 storey gums and Olympic swimming pool feet. ‘So yeah we can go to dawns at 12 on a Sunday and end up saying sod it we won’t go home and sit there all night and get drunk... You will get there’
thanks begs, we all aspire to be like you. One of my biggest goals in life is to be able to sit in dawns garden getting pissed all day and shagging her hubby. Thank god I’ll get there eventually, hard work and dedication is the key!