Just in time for another Scoffmas vlog.
She brazenly admits she picked it all up a few weeks ago, so God knows if anything is new or sold out, and it's all cupboard crap. But nothing is funnier than watching the two balding ladies try and out-do each other. Mummy Wend does a toity 'I think there's cayenne pepper in there' - Becky goes 'well I think there's a lot of black pepper' as she stares at the ingredients for support. She's more than happy to smugly read the list of ingredients to prove mummy wrong and herself right.
It's interesting how she says that the mince pies are 'not good' (quite surprising, I think this is the first food she's ever tried and not liked) and then lists what she'd do with them - sell them at a school fair to raise money, or feed a large group, etc. Fobbing other people off is clearly part and parcel of her personality.
Anyway, save yourself the 30 minutes. Mummy Pig thinks she's Oprah Winfrey. Daddy Pig thinks his opinion is valued. Peppa Pig rolls her eyes whenever they speak. That's all you need to know.