BeckiJones4 #133 Learned so much in Berlin, coming home with another chin

I hate these poor me videos from becki and influencers in general! They choose, THEIR CHOICE to put themselves online. You don’t get a god given right to only positive interactions. I think it takes a certain type of narcissist to think they are so relevant to make a living off posting daft videos on the internet and they deserve all the hate they get!

And becki claiming she posts this for “her friends and family to see” duck right off you post it to make a quick buck. No sympathy whatsoever! Cry more heffer! 🐷
this has killed me tho

You used your opinion to be cruel when you got a 5 year old child banned from dancing you horrible ugly fat bleep. You used your opinion to be cruel when you used your dying nana's credit card to buy loads of junk food. You used your opinion to be cruel when you left some of the most abhorrent comments unfiltered about your dad who is going into senility. You're a hypocritical fat ugly bleep, and the sooner your account is banned the better.
I mean she's posted this to again get more rage bait and go viral again. Corey does stupid stuff like this cos it's gets the views. She knows she gets the hate and does nothing about it. Doesn't restrict the comments or anything else. So all her own doing. No sympathy for her. She's a grown adult and if the comments actually do get to her (which they won't cos they give her money) she should just get off the app and have a normal life?
Another hilarious part of her poor me video is how she kept “giving examples” as if she was making a number of different points but just listed a load of different videos she posts on TT . Like “imagine you posted a video of your outfit and got mean comments and then posted a video of your makeup and got mean comments and then posted a WIEIAD video and then got mean comments . . .
another example is if you posted a video of your tea. . . . and then got mean comments

Like yes BecBec - you get mean comments - because you bait for them.
