I feel sorry for her cat listening to her moaning about needing a partner and needing a career.
honestly tells so much about her that she puts something like THAT in her "grateful for" list... Munchausens?Hahahahaha
I've been watching her stories for a while and I just don't understand what she wants. She hates the park outside her house but when they are doing renovations to it she hates that too? She hates routine and waking up at the same time everyday but she wants a 9-5 job? She desperately wants to have a successful interview as a job offer will bring her joy but when she gets a yes she declines it? Make it make sense!!!
I agree, I think complaining about EVERYTHING gives her a sense of purpose. I have never encountered such a negative person - she even manages to turn her five things I'm grateful for into negatives! They are always bad things 'I'm grateful I chipped my teeth' like what???She wants someone to hand her all the answers. And, even then, she’d moan about it!