I have been LIVING for this tea. I’ve been dying to know more about where her “lifestyle” has suddenly come from. I reckon a mixture between image trips, prostitution and sugar daddy’s? And her bikini brand is just smoke and mirrors for what’s really going on and laundering her prostitution money…
And why have her and Emily Coral fallen out? They unfollowed eachother on Instagram a while ago after the car crash.
Idk if Emily Coral fell out with her, don’t think Victoria has many real friends anyway: most of the girls used for her original swimwear promo were escort group (Chloe Othen, Emily, Rahma etc.)
Smoke screen business or just an excuse to try impress rich men? Saw she was gloating recently about getting a seasonal brand feature in Vogue online (even though that’s a paid-for-feature)… not an achievement at all
Victoria seems like a very vain + self-absorbed girl. Would love to know what her parents think of her new ‘lifestyle’ ?