I think it’s a complex situation.
Bam is an addict and there is no excusing his behaviour, his latest rant saying he’ll take smack everyday until his ex lets him see his son is absurd. Aswell as a lot of other things he has done, he can be extremely toxic.
But; I do believe his family have contributed towards his whole self. They used him as a cash cow & did very little in regards to parenting, because they knew it bought the money in. Even now, they all utilise him for their incomes, his brother living in his house, Phil selling assets while he was coaxed falsely into being sectioned by April who met him under the pretence of seeing his son, at a bar, buying him alcohol and then sneaking off to call the police that she was ‘scared’. The body cam footage just shows what a set up it all was, so yes, I do feel sorry for him in that aspect. His family are toxic also.
At the end of the day, he is responsible for himself, he has money to get the best therapy, rehab, mental health treatment than most, but he won’t. Because he just isn’t responsible & is not ready to get healthy, and he probably never will. It’s a shame for his son, I think his ex did the best thing getting him away, althoughm she is questionable ..she’s a meth head herself.