Badly Behaved Mum

No I completely agree with you, It takes only a few minutes to clear the floors and Hoover up. Even sweep up just abit of mess.

CP definitely need to get involved here. Did you see her recent story? She watched him EAT A ANT 🐜I just don’t understand it. Like why?
I saw this and wow ! She’s something else isn’t she! She thinks it’s funny nahhhh it’s proper hold abuse !
I saw this and wow ! She’s something else isn’t she! She thinks it’s funny nahhhh it’s proper hold abuse !
It’s really really awful considering how poisonous some bugs can be, That’s not even the point HE IS OUTSIDE EATING OFF THE FLOOR my goodness!! It’s actually making my blood boil at this point, The poor boys been nil-by mouth for 14 days and she’s allowing him to again eat tit off the floor? Did she not learn her lesson when he nearly died 🥴
I hope their daddy’s more vigilant.
It’s really really awful considering how poisonous some bugs can be, That’s not even the point HE IS OUTSIDE EATING OFF THE FLOOR my goodness!! It’s actually making my blood boil at this point, The poor boys been nil-by mouth for 14 days and she’s allowing him to again eat tit off the floor? Did she not learn her lesson when he nearly died 🥴
I hope their daddy’s more vigilant.
you’d wrap your baby up in cotton wool after heart surgery, even more so after this but no. She just keeps him at arms length and let’s him hurt himself. She behaves like he’s tough and shouldn’t be mollycoddled but he’s a baby?
you’d wrap your baby up in cotton wool after heart surgery, even more so after this but no. She just keeps him at arms length and let’s him hurt himself. She behaves like he’s tough and shouldn’t be mollycoddled but he’s a baby?
Exactly that! We nearly lost our daughter when she was a day old, I will openly admit I am a OTT mother because of what happened to her, she’s wrapped in cotton wool!! I only have 1 baby so she gets my undivided attention, I can’t comment what it’ll be like to have more than 1 child because I don’t know it must be hard work but surely you can still watch the children more than she does? Love them, care for them… I don’t know seems to me all she thinks about is social media, likes, getting pissed up!
Exactly that! We nearly lost our daughter when she was a day old, I will openly admit I am a OTT mother because of what happened to her, she’s wrapped in cotton wool!! I only have 1 baby so she gets my undivided attention, I can’t comment what it’ll be like to have more than 1 child because I don’t know it must be hard work but surely you can still watch the children more than she does? Love them, care for them… I don’t know seems to me all she thinks about is social media, likes, getting pissed up!
I have 3 kid’s close in age 16 months between twins and another, never once did I let me kids eat off the floor inside or outside, yes occasionally I might use to 5 second rule to pick up a dropped crisp or biscuit but never let my kids eat off the floor like a hoover 🙄 i didn’t drink much when they were little, now they are older 9+ I have drunk more but that worry you need to take your child hospital as accidents happen, broke bones etc not eating a button battery cos you couldn’t be arsed to hoover the floor 🙄 wonder what the underneath of her kids high chair looks like 🤢🤮 I had to over Atleast 3 times a day that’s just feeding times then I’d hoover when they got into bed so the house was clean for the morning 🙄 to start all over again! It’s what you do as a parent
She wants to go into schools to discuss it 😭 imagine that state showing up at your children’s school and standing on a stage stinking of fags and cheap wine and she starts her speach “aw aur Ralfie swallad a battereh cuz he’s a stewpid littel shet, the NHS saved his liyfe aghen much to mah inconvenience cuz I couldn’t feed him nuggets every meal for weeks, I actually had to care for him which pissed me off, anyway, get meh on this morning wiv Phil and Holleh so I can go full time influencer and earn backhanded while on the dole”
I still can’t get over the size of what he swallowed, she says they though it could be a connect 4 piece which gives you an idea of the size. How is that lay on the floor with you not noticing?! If it had been a really tiny one I’d be more likely to say that accidents happen but there’s no excuse for that
Anything that size you know as a parent is going straight in their mouth, my kids could spot a breadcrumb from across a room and I was always on it.
I’m all for mums supporting mums etc, but what people are doing is enabling her.
She’s mentally unwell and needs serious help with some of her issues and those children really need some sort of input from services because they’re clearly unsafe. No doubt she will use this as a ploy to be rehomed for whatever bullshit reason she can come up with.

I for one hope her followers do send her this, and she’s sat reading snd looking here, she needs taking down a peg or two in my eyes, she’s gotten big for her boots and her behaviour is just downright concerning.

the last time a forum was raised on her, she was bang on Instagram bragging about how she was famous enough to have “haters” etc and she clearly fed off it.. funny how she doesn’t do it now, now the claims of poor parenting are substantiated by the fact her child almost died.
I don’t understand people with their phone in their hand all the time. Imagine a doctor trying to tell you about a serious injury you caused your child and your staring at the screen through a phone recording it. Nice how the TikTok misses out her screaming at people, drinking, smoking and fighting with doctors
And recording your child in pain. Comfort them. Surely that’s your instinct?!