Badly Behaved Mum

I never said I wouldn’t check the Items.. I don’t need to worry as my child is a lot older.
However when they were little I know a trip to the toilet ended in Sudo cream everywhere.

so my point is things happen.
Obviously this other family are just as bad as it happened to their child to then…

I didn’t even know who she was till I saw a thread here being nosey and searched her.

I’m not commenting on her parenting but i read people slagging her off for raising awareness and telling her story but then sympathy for another family it happened to..
Personally I think it’s a good idea to raise awareness as it obviously happens a lot.
but yer each to their own.
You have taken my post out of the context of this thread. I don’t know the circumstances of the other family but it doesn’t take away that I feel sorry that their child died. I feel the same for her child, I feel sorry for him, not for her. If you read this thread you will see countless evidence of her neglecting his well-being, leaving her house a shithole and letting him fend for himself - is it any surprise that he finally got hold of something he shouldn’t have? It’s not difficult to check your child’s toys are safe and make sure you don’t leave things that are unsafe in your child’s reach. He swallowed that battery due to her own actions. I don’t have sympathy for her, I feel sorry for her sons. And for the record, I never slagged her off for raising awareness.
I can imagine her ‘clothing range’ will be full of ill fitting rags


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Jesus she loves to come on and cry . Literally.
Anything for attention
How many stories about how upsetting her stepfathers death was for HER
The constant of this one is something else. Yeah her son swallowed a battery because she don’t check toys. Sorry but many manage with more children it’s the bare minimum from her she is an absolute mess. Too busy filming herself crying or nights out wearing clothes that don’t fit her with her saggy tits hanging out


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Drunk as hell at 2 pm

I dunno why these influencers think we need to hear about poo all the time
If I found a random hunk of poo in my kids crib I would be doing a lot of things but sharing with my ig followers would not be one of them