Oh lordy the arts and crafts are starting already. An Advent Calendar for Jess fulled with candy and money! And again Val is back to billing Jess as a blind Autistic person! No Val.....visually impaired and schizophrenic!!!! GET THAT STRAIGHT! If Jess was blind than how in the heck could she see the art project???
And Jess asked what it was for and they said it's just for fun! Do these people understand Advent is preparing for the birth of Jesus?? Nope just for fun...they are frickin assholes. It will just teach Jess that she can have a gift everyday...and who wants to bet one day she will get at it and rip them all open because she is greedy. They let her feel them and she knows there is money in some of them...
Jess is not a child but here we go again for all the new followers portraying her as a helpless little child!
Oh check out the stupid little hats Val and Hypochondriac Hannah have on and it seems there may have been some drinking involved in it too. I skimmed it because I could not stomach Hypochondriac Hannah talking and talking....