I just can't watch her drone on and on and every couple of sentences she has to say how tired she is. All that work and with all her ailments she had to go to the doctor on Thursday and now needs to rest in bed!!!! OMG
does that surprise anyone??? Now she doesn't have Campbell around so she can stay in bed for days again like in her other house. She sure didn't look like she was tired or disabled when she was doing the work on that money pit house. And no braces on her or Hypochondriac Hannah the whole time! They both are just lying and scheming scammers. Wonder when the new wish list will be posted?? Plus she still has stuff at Campbell's and while he was on a vacation she went over to feed Harry. Yup the cats not coming to this house.
I only lasted the first couple minutes and had to scan to the end and it was just her talking and talking....and no Jessica again!