Chatty Member
It was in the preface to the video that this was made last week.This mornings video ...Bedhead Jessica making eggs 2 for her 1 for mom....frying pan is on high,band we never got to see the bacon get cooked in the new microwave fish Val begged for.
Unless of course this video was from last week...who knows Val could be in Disney for all we really know!
But..this mornings video was rushed, Val had her witch on, took over which is probably how regular mornings go off camera.
Same BORING old video of cracking eggs hand over hand and Jessica's finger tips crammed up her nose as she stands by the stove sniffing her crotch fingers.
@Susan830 that video you posted is frightening ....that's Jessica absolutely manic that one and the hair dresser one both show Jessica in manic behaviours ....and Val riling her up....perfect examples of Jessica not properly medicated.
We see Jessica s hair with no brushing, no hair cuts, kits a disaster ...can you imagine her teeth, her breath??
She hasn't been to a dentist is YEARS, not because Val claims shes autistic but because Val is a lazy unfit parent who doesn't properly medicated Jess, or work with professionals on coping skills....
Have mentioned I loathe this woman?
you are right about the manic side of Jess. I think she is like that more now but Val keeps her does up for the camera and doesn’t let us see it. If you look up the video using the word moods Jessica is putting her pills in an organizer. At that time she was taking anxiety meds morning and night. Those have definitely been increased. Jess also mentioned a blood pressure pill (we know she takes due to the mention of an ER visit) and a heart pill ??
I wonder if Val will admit to going to Disney without Jessica after all the talk here and the mentions on the Facebook page. She is a sorry excuse for a mother.