But...Val is a KEY Member!! Every year she purchases a FAMILY plan for four..it's thousands of dollars not to mention she still has to pay for travell, a motel room, food, drink, all the extras...and depending on which package she gets not all shows and events are included ...I mean why not spend thousands and thousands on Disney instead of looking for a home for your autistic daughter who you will have to raise for threat of your life!?!?!?
I wouldn't be surprised if Val went to Disney on her own... To get away from everyone...sleep in a hotel room alone, sleep in, have room service, stroll through Disney at her own pace do all the stuff she wants ...she's always crying being the martyr that she is how her life is unfair.
Val...is seriously disturbed and forever a victim in her story.
She could have more of a life if she put the work in... There's no reason she can't work even part time, get out of the house...you have to wonder why this woman has no friends at age 55.
She has no girl friends to go out for lunch with, no man to date, no friends in the autism community to get coffee with....
She has no friends because like Jessica ...she's simply unlikeable.
So let's sit back and see what SCAMMER Brooks has up her sleeve next.