Val expects the world to accommodate Jessica's every need, want and behaviour whether it is appropriate or not...she is " special" and must be treated the way Val demands, thus no rules apply for Jessica at home, at school, at placements, or in public.
Unfortunately that's where Val the narcissist delusions breed.
When our young autistic children attend school, therapists, special learned behaviour classes, work with ABA etc... they are taught how to behave in society...the basics, not to mention we as parents are teaching , hygiene , manners, rules, home routines...and in my case communication because my daughter was completely nonverbal for 12 years.
By the time our children " age out" of school, we should of been able to teach them some form of appropriate behaviours and proper ways to interact in public . Keep in mind school has pre requisite to attrend... And classes can have 15-20 students if not more... With 1 or 2 teachers and helpers where its 1 adult for every 5 children.
There are also rules for example after a certain age these children must be toilet trained or non violent. Etc...
All schools are different with different skilled staff... And have varied expectations to be accepted for enrolment.
Val expects the school to stop the class call her immediately , she wanted different rules for jessica, different food choices, she wanted one on one with Jessica... So she cries Jessica is misunderstood when in fact these teachers, therapists, bus drivers etc... Are not Jessica's personal staff. They have MANY students and behaviours to deal with... And the rules are in place to keep students and staff safe. Jessica having tantrums because she wasn't suppose to be on the phone on speaker on the bus..she got violent swearing hitting when the bus driver told her no phone calls on the bus.
Val take issue with anyone who tries to enforce rules on Jessica... The real issue is Val not teaching Jessica about rules and allowing her to do as she pleases...still does to this day.
Vals entire family has had to Give up Christmas in order to allow Jessica HER Christmas, teachers and students have been attacked physically by Jessica because she didn't get HER way, hairdressers, dentists, doctors have been verbally abused by Jessica because she doesnt like a word or has made up something in her head.
EVERYONE isn't the problem .... Jessica is THE problem ...not because she's not understood but because Val has raised her to believe rules don't apply to her and she is the boss. Val likes to claim Jessica can't communicate... THAT infuriates me since MY autistic daughter is classified as non verbal...and spoke her first word at 12.
She still is in speech therapy and it's work.
Jessica doesn't shut up ever! she is extremely verbal and loves to argue, debate, boss people, whine, complain and yell...even she has zero problem communicating ..
Val ..stfu. You're the problem... Not everyone else.