Aspyn Ovard

Avery posted a TT and there is quite clearly no baby on their “slaycation”🤢. I bet P drove the whole fam to the southern Utah house and the girls drove to the hotel from there.
Leaving newborn and the two girls with P to visit Ps family? 😬
She also mentioned driving 2.5h to the hotel, someone on Reddit mentioned that’s how far it is away from the southern Utah house.
I think it’s wrong that shes tried to imply that the baby was with her at the hotel. She’s been exposed by Avery
No not really - the Reddit threads the moment are mainly focusing on her road trip and their shock that she went on a overnight stay without the baby!
Was it overnight? Reddit is insane. It is so sad that mums are still the villains in how they navigate motherhood.

yes it is not ideal if she was away from the baby but mums mental health is also sooooo important. Maybe with a divorce, a difficult early birth, her sister whisked her away for her to recoup and reinvigorate her aspyn.
Anyway… every birth, every baby and every situation is different and parents should have the right to do what’s best for them in the situation without being made to be a selfish incompetent mum...
Was it overnight? Reddit is insane. It is so sad that mums are still the villains in how they navigate motherhood.

yes it is not ideal if she was away from the baby but mums mental health is also sooooo important. Maybe with a divorce, a difficult early birth, her sister whisked her away for her to recoup and reinvigorate her aspyn.
Anyway… every birth, every baby and every situation is different and parents should have the right to do what’s best for them in the situation without being made to be a selfish incompetent mum...

I certainly couldn’t leave my baby at a few weeks old, but no judgement to her. Sounds like she needs a lil break, although to spend it making tiktok’s doesn’t sound very relaxing.

I assume this was booked a while ago as a baby-moon with her sister before the baby was due. More confirmation that they’ve been separated for a while.